If You're Ready to Pop the Question, These Are the Top 5 Places to Propose
Updated Feb. 11 2020, 3:44 p.m. ET
Valentine's Day is almost upon us. Are you making plans? I think the only people who get elaborate for Valentine's Day are new couples, who are still in the exciting early days of their relationship, or couples who are about to get engaged. Everyone else? We're watching Netflix while balancing Whitman's Samplers on our tummies.
But if you are one of those people who's trying to get it on for Valentine's Day, Tiqets has all the insight about the perfect dates and the perfect places to propose to your partner.
The company recently did an extensive survey and concluded "dinner and a movie" dates are officially out, creative dates are in, and the Eiffel Tower is still a pretty dang romantic place to pop the question.
Tiqets recently surveyed over 4,000 people across the U.S. and the UK to learn what people find to be the most romantic date ideas. Over 70 percent of people agree that "new cultural experiences" keep relationships exciting, and 50 percent want creative first dates.
The number one most romantic date idea in both the UK and the U.S.? A walk in a park or a botanical garden. Getting out in nature, stopping to smell the roses, and having the opportunity to actually talk to your date were appealing factors for many people.
Other fun, creative dates that made the top 10 list include going to the zoo, a river or canal cruise, a "cultural attraction" like the Empire State Building or a studio tour, historical attractions, boat rides, amusement parks, aquariums, art museums, and more.
To me, any of these seem so much more preferable than sitting in a movie theater not talking to the person you're on a date with and nervously trying to look over to see what their reaction is while trying to make sure they don't see you looking. Come now. We all do it.
Obviously, you want to make sure that whatever you're planning is of interest to your date. But the research is in, and people much prefer new experiences to meeting up at a bar. You can always go for drinks or dinner afterwards if the date is going well!
But the real reason we're here is to talk about proposals. In 2020, we're hoping to put an end to surprise Kiss Cam proposals and flash mobs, and we're getting back to our romantic roots. A ring, a knee, a nice speech, and a romantic locale is all you need to pop the perfect question.
Here are the top five most romantic places to propose, according to Tiqets' survey.
We're going with the U.S. list. The UK list is all the same places, just in a different order. We'll note where the discrepancies lie.
1. Central Park
Tiqets' survey found people in the U.S. think the number one most romantic spot in the world to be proposed to is in Central Park. It was number five on the UK list. I think this is a good choice. There's so much going on in Central Park — it really has something for everybody. You can propose by a pond, a fountain, near some trees, in the zoo...
There's something magical about Central Park no matter the season. Ooh, I'm so excited about the prospect of a Central Park proposal, and I'm already married!
2. Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was number one on the UK list and number two on the U.S. list. I mean, it's timeless. Look at it. There's nothing better in the world than being in love in Paris. I would know. Once I went to Paris and fell in love with a crèpe I was eating. It was that good.
3. Niagara Falls
Who wouldn't want to get proposed to while being sprayed with mist from one of the most impressive waterfalls in the world? Niagara Falls was number two on the UK list. It's simply epic. The rush that you feel when you see those roaring falls is the perfect energy to transmit into a proposal. Just make sure your partner can hear you (the falls are loud!), and whatever you do, don't drop that ring.
4. A gondola in Venice
I'd say Italy is number two only to France on the list of the most romantic countries in the world. And Venice is beyond gorgeous. It sure would be a perfect scene to kneel down on a gondola and ask your partner to spend the rest of their life with you, wouldn't it? After, you could drink so much wine and eat all the pasta you could pastably stuff in your face.
5. The London Eye
The London Eye was number four on the UK list. Obviously, you want to make sure your partner has no issue with heights before you take them up to the top of the city. But can you imagine being proposed to with the entire view of London in the background? It's romance 101, people!
Although it's not mentioned in Tiqets' very comprehensive survey, I'm going to go ahead and say the actual number one place to propose is the place that means the most to the both of you and your relationship. If it's hovering over London in a precarious pod, great! If it's your living room, that's great, too.
The lesson of this survey is to keep things interesting, have new experiences together, make memories, and then the rest will all fall into place. Happy Valentine's Day, everybody. Here's to smooching the one you love.