Sexist Troll Pens "Wifey Material" Checklist and Gets Roasted into Oblivion

Updated Feb. 23 2019, 10:43 a.m. ET

One man with very stringent rules on what qualifies a woman as beautiful is receiving tons of hate online.
Sadly, it seems like we’re living in a day and age where people are rewarded for trolling.
They think that saying fake-edgy and disgusting things is a ticket to the top. And it’s hard to argue with their logic, because technically, it does work.
It won’t get you any respect and everyone will hate you and you, yourself, will probably end up a miserable human being incapable of any real joy, but at least you’ll have some infamy!
This is a recurring theme in the fight game, just ask Colby Covington how his life is going right now.
But it’s not even in combat/entertainment sports where this phenomenon is happening, amazing things have happened for people, at least on a surface level, when they started talking trash on Twitter. Something that this dude by the name of Alexander embraced wholeheartedly when he wrote a post telling women how they could be beautiful.

Now you’d think that someone who looks like they just stopped LARPing three years ago and channeled all of that energy into being a misogynist would think twice before posting his innermost thoughts about women online, but you’d be wrong.

People immediately met his post with ire and started trolling him, but he persisted in his delusion that women must adhere to his ideals or else they cannot be considered beautiful.

In all fairness, one shouldn’t take his ramblings seriously: he’s clearly holding a vendetta against women because it’s much easier to blame others, especially entire demographics of people, for your own bitterness and lack of happiness in your life than to take any responsibility for oneself.

He's simply regurgitating tired Reddit "Red Pill" rhetoric. If you're unfamiliar with the territory it's where a bunch of sexually frustrated losrs who can't confront the fact that they suck in relationships and need to work on themselves form a circle jerk of memes, "inspirational" quotes, and "valuable" insights into what's wrong with women today. All to explain why they can't get consistently laid or stay in a relationship with anyone who has an iota of self-esteem.

Alexander is clearly a guy who attributes all of his past failings with women directly on them. He, on the other hand, is a gift for all members of the fairer sex to enjoy. Well, if looking like a carnival worker who’s afraid of getting tattoos is your idea of a gift, that is.

It wasn't long before people began tearing into him mercilessly, popping the proverbial bubble of self-delusion he fashioned for himself.

People made a lot of interesting points about the exact kind of person he is. Some were more on the nose than others.

Others just couldn’t believe that he was actually being serious. No one could be that dense, could they?

Sadly, he was being serious. But at least people were able to get some laughs out of it.

Other people pointed out that his “requirements” could be applied to anyone regardless of gender. So according to his logic, this dude was a beautiful woman.

Honestly the second I saw a selfie of the dude, I thought the same exact thing: he’s the Geico cave man.

Others tweeted back at Alexander and pointed out that two can play at that game.

Some people also found copies of his novel manuscripts.

Others offered helpful advice, but it’s probably unlikely that Alex will ever listen to it.

Alexander persisted in disseminating his ideologies and constantly brought up the fact that he has a newsletter that could instruct all women on how to be beautiful. He may have missed the announcement that the last email newsletter that was ever opened intentionally was in 2001, but he probably missed that because he was too busy listening to Tool exclusively and explaining to anyone who would listen, in painstaking detail, why they’re the greatest band of all time.

But try as he might, he was still roasted over a spitfire for looking like a regional manager in training for Gamestop.

What a nerd.