New Wife “Drops Bomb” That She’s $160K in Debt to Husband, Wants Him to Pay It Off
"This is my wife to a t which is one of the reasons we will soon be getting divorced. I make more but no joke I pay so much of the bills we come out to making within less than 1k of each other."

Published March 22 2024, 6:54 a.m. ET

Before Kanye West was blaming the Jews for all of his problems as part of what appears to be a sprinkle of bipolar disorder on top of a healthy serving of antisemitism, he was creating pop songs warning men about the dangers of getting married to women who are only into a relationship for the money.
And while it's tempting to want to believe that there's no way a human being could be so morally bankrupt as to see a romantic relationship as a financial transaction they can utilize for their own benefit / funding the rearing of their children, there are people who view life in this lens.
The "Sprinkle Sprinkle" TikTok phenomenon is one example: a movement of women who believe that their partners, usually men, are walking ATMs meant to fund their lifestyles and demonstrate their love only through the purchases that they make.

And while there's a ton of wisdom in the song "No Scrubs" that should be adhered to, there's a difference between a person who's able to take of themselves financially versus someone who's expected to drop thousands and thousands of dollars on luxury gifts and expensive meals out / monthly car and mortgage payments because you were born with two x chromosomes.
And it seems like one Redditor, @Ready_Cash9333, found out in the nick of time that he may be marrying someone who was attempting to use him as a meal ticket to getting out of her "crippling" debt.
He says that he "just got married yesterday" and that the previous night, his wife dropped "the bomb on [him] that she has $160k in debt between school, judgments, cars and credit cards."

He added that he's got around $120,000 in investments and some $30,000 in savings and that his wife is "pressing really hard" that the money he has accrued is now theirs and that he should take out all of it and put it towards to the debt she's amassed,
He says that she went to quote financial advisor Dave Ramsey, stating that marital funds should almost always be shared among spouses, however, as other Redditors who responded to his post pointed out, Ramsey is also apparently very big on not paying off all of your debts at once with cash.
The Redditor mentioned that if he knew about all of the debt that his ex was carrying then he probably wouldn't have gotten married to her in the first place: "Not gonna lie, had I known this I wouldn’t have even thought marriage to be an option. How should I approach this? We’re filing with the court later today if that makes a difference."

He went on to say that he was extremely angry after she revealed that information to him, adding how when they first discussed finances a year prior, his partner told him that she was "debt free".
OP asked his fellow Redditors what they thought of the situation, and they didn't hold back — one person said that she was "using him - plain and simple"
Another person wrote in response: "This is my wife to a t which is one of the reasons we will soon be getting divorced," highlighting how his significant other doesn't budget her expenses and that he has to pay the lions share of bills while she is getting further and further into debt.
After presumably reading what he thought was enough of what he needed to see, OP then decided against heading into court to file for his marriage certificate.
From the way he tells the story, his now-ex wasn't too happy to hear the news.

"News was broken, she left in a firestorm. Broke a lot of things on the way out, and was telling me things like she plans to sue me for wasting her time and pain and suffering it’s [s---,] but onto the next I guess. Thanks to everyone for giving me advise on this!" he wrote.
According to The Jimenez Law Firm, one of the leading causes of divorce in America has to do with monetary issues among spouses: "Money is widely known as one of the leading causes of divorce in America. It's estimated that financial problems contribute to 20-40% of all divorces."
The legal group added: "That means that for every 10 marriages that end in divorce, four of them are because of money."
If someone has a lot of debt, do you find that to be a deal breaker in a relationship? Or is the real problem in OP's story that his significant other only told him about her debt after they got married?