13 of TV's Best Halloween Costumes

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:13 p.m. ET

Halloween is my favorite holiday, so it makes sense that I go nuts for Halloween-themed anything. Be it snack cakes, drinks, clothing, heavy metal bands, or movies and TV shows.
Actually, especially TV shows. It's always so much fun to see your beloved characters dress up or get involved with some general spookiness. I mean, The Simpsons Halloween specials? I rest my case.
But there are some TV shows that take Halloween to the next level, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect costume for its characters. Here are some of the best to have ever graced the small screen.
1. 'The Office' - Two Heads are Better than One

The Office cast is packed with some incredible Halloween costumes, Jim's lazy 3-hole punch outfit, or Angela's great Nancy Reagan, but come on, two-headed Michael Scott? Nothing on the show is going to top that. The best part is that you know he took the time to make it himself.
2. 'Bob's Burgers' - Edward Scissorhands, Mommy Mummy, and Gene's U.N.I.T.Y. Queen Latifah.

The Bob's Burgers children are all profoundly weird in their own ways, and these costumes capture that weirdness perfectly. If I had to choose between the three, Gene's is the top dog.
3. 'Community' - Queen Alien and Ripley.

Look, it's hard to pick a best Halloween episode from the show, let alone a best costume. You've got Pierce's Beastmaster costume, Britta's T-Rex is wonderful, and so is Glenda's Good Witch costume that keeps getting her mistaken for Miss Piggy. Anything Dean Pelton wears is also just amazing — his Lady Gaga from the same episode is just masterful.
4. 'Modern Family' - Princess Fiona

What makes Gloria's Fiona costume so awesome is honestly just how good it is. The gown is straight out of the movie and that wig with the long braid is spot-on. All right, so maybe I'm a little jealous of how well she rocks that gown, because she totally does, but it doesn't change the fact that it's an amazing ensemble.
5. 'Stranger Things' - Ghostbusters

You cannot, I repeat, cannot do a show set in the '80s with a group of young friends and not have them all dress up as Ghostbusters for Halloween. The jumpsuits are something Harold Ramis, Dank Akroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson would be very, very proud of.
6. 'How I Met Your Mother' - Sexy Pumpkin and Hanging Chad

The fact that the least sexy Halloween costume, a pumpkin, was somehow turned sexy is a feat all on its own. Just the phrase "Sexy Pumpkin" is funny. I've got to give it up to the Hanging Chad though because it's a reference to the idiotic Florida scandal of 2000 — and no one was feeling it. It's a risky move pulling off a current events costume, not because it's going to make people mad or anything, but they just might not get it, which is exactly what happened to Ted.
7. 'Parks and Rec' - Rosie the Riveter and Gabby Douglas

When it comes to characters picking costumes that perfectly capture what they're all about, it doesn't get any more fitting than Leslie Knope opting for Rosie the Riveter. Ann's Gabby Douglas is great too, and seeing them together is doubly excellent.
8. 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' - Salt and Pepper

Terry Crews is just delightful and injects enthusiasm into every situation he's in. He's also got massive pecs that can move independently of each other, so slapping some salt and pepper shakers on those bad boys for an active Halloween costume was absolutely perfect. Brooklyn Nine-Nine almost always delivers every Halloween episode, but Terry' costume takes the cake here.
9. 'Glee' - The Rocky Horror Glee Show

Sure, Glee's definitely the kind of show your older brother beats you up for watching due to how crushingly annoying it is, but their "Rocky Horror Glee Show" episode was the perfect Halloween homage, and the costumes were on point.
10. 'Frasier' - Cyrano de Bergerac

I always hated Frasier growing up, but that's because I was too stupid to enjoy the humor. But as a nerd who was obsessed with his English teacher and subsequently anything having to do with literature, when I watched the Halloween episode of the show where the cast dressed up as their favorite literary characters, I was in love. There were tons of great outfits (Sherlock Holmes, Frasier himself as Geoffrey Chaucer), but it was Niles' Cyrano de Bergerac that really stood out. Check out that nose prosthetic, so good.
11. 'Friends' - Spudnik

Friends and all references to the show might be played out, but that doesn't mean that the show didn't absolutely nail the pun-tastic Halloween costume Ross came up with: Spudnik. Chandler's pink bunny costume in this episode also makes an appearance and is a solid runner-up to the borderline psychopathic outfit that Ross wore.
12. 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' - Vijo Morganstein

There's something undeniably hilarious about Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia thinking it's cool to not go as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings for Halloween, but as "Vijo Morganstein," the actor who plays Aragorn at a costume party. Not just because Mac has no idea how to pronounce his name, but that he still dresses up as the character from the fantasy series, wears lame Oakley knock-off glasses, and insists on calling himself "Vijo Morganstein." Amazing.
13. 'New Girl' - Public Serpent

I saved the best one for last. This one ticks all of the boxes: It plays into Schmidt's character in a "why are you like this" way. It's actually hilarious. It looks ridiculous. And it's completely original. There is no better TV Halloween costume than the Public Serpent. That is all.