Mom of Toddler Says Folks Should Baby-Proof Their Homes If They Want Guests Over
“Like at least put up stuff you don’t want shattered,” the woman urged in the video’s caption.

Updated March 13 2024, 10:46 a.m. ET
There’s not much you could give me to make me start all over with babies or small toddlers again, because going to someone’s house with tiny children in tow is part of a collective of memories that lives in my head rent free. And one TikTok user, @briknighttt, understands the struggle well. In fact, she understands it to the point where she suggests in a video that some people should consider baby proofing their house for guests.
Well, not in the over-the-top way you might guess. The TikTok creator, whose real name is Brianna, says in her video that if family members could move heavy breakable items out of the way when she arrives with a small child, it would make a world of difference. Since, as she puts it, going to a family event where “everything’s suddenly made of glass” can be a lot. And she isn't wrong.
There are mixed reactions about baby proofing your home for guests.
Brianna says in her now-viral post that her opinion “is either going to sound extremely relatable” or make her sound like a five-letter swear word I’d rather not repeat. But as she explains a scenario of a family member making a big deal about her attending family gatherings with a toddler in tow, she says that those same family members should at least make their homes welcoming for small children.
“If you make a big stink about us coming to your house and bringing our toddler, and bringing all the stuff, and traveling all the way to get to you … please for the love of God, if you didn't even try to baby proof that place, there is nothing worse,” Brianna says in her video.
She goes on to explain that it's hard to stay more than 20 minutes because she is left “wresting her alligator the entire time” as her toddler gets into things that aren't put away or out of reach. However, she isn't asking people to go as far as putting child-proof locks on toilets or doorknobs.
All Brianna wants is for family members who request that she bring her toddler to make sure there is nothing dangerous that her child could get little hands on. She’s really asking for the bare minimum here. You try being hunched over for a half hour chasing your small child around someone’s house and see if you don’t agree.
The comments under Brianna’s video seem to be a bit split on whether or not people agree with her vocalization of others baby proofing their home, so to speak., so she can visit with her toddler.
Someone else chimed in, “She’s not talking about a normal friend’s house, guys. She’s talking about going to your mother-in-law’s house and your toddler literally can’t exist.”
“The people saying 'just watch your kid' clearly do not have kids,” another wrote under the video.
Visiting someone's house with a toddler can be stressful for many.
If you have a child whose world in your home is designed with their safety in mind, then stepping out of that can be stressful for anyone. So to go to a family event at a home where babies and toddlers don’t live is quite daunting for most parents. Because even when extended family members assure you that it’ll be fine, most of the time it isn’t.
“Don’t you love it when you suggest they should check their home / baby proof and they say ‘it’s OK we can all keep an eye on the baby,’ and they don’t?” someone commented.
That’s certainly another dilemma that parents deal with when they go out of their comfort zone and out of the sanctuary of their baby-proofed home.