Mom Leaves Extra Cash and List of Chores for Her Babysitter – Some Think She’s Offering Too Little

Published Feb. 10 2024, 8:02 p.m. ET

A teacher who posts on TikTok under the handle @Kivankc runs a side hustle shared the way she offered her babysitter a little extra side cash to perform some chores that she otherwise didn't have time to do during her small business' busy season.
While a number of viewers applauded her idea, there were others who thought she could've forked over a bit more money.
"You are more than welcome to hang out + watch TV all night but if you want to make some extra $, these jobs are up for grabs:
- $10 - Organise 'Island'
- $10 - Organise [redacted] toys
- $10 - Clean glass + mirrors [which consists of] 2 bathroom mirrors...front + back doors, living room mirror, living room windows"
The list of chores went on:
- $3 vacuum couch
- $10 - scrub + re-organize silverware drawer
- $15 - scrub out inside of fridge + reorganize food, wipe off front
- $10 sweep + mop kitchen floor

She capped off her note with another message: "Just let know if you decided to do any of these + grand total I owe you on top of the babysitting money thanks for being here."
This prospect offers the babysitter to earn an extra $68 while taking care of babysitting duty for the night should she choose to get through all of the chores listed in Kivankc's note.
The TikToker also explained her reasoning behind leaving the note in the comments section of her post, penning: "I am a teacher and i have a small business that is in the busy season. Little things have been let go for too lo[n]g. If my sitter decides to do this, I'll be forever grateful. If not, I'll get to it later like I alread[y] had planned."

The next photo in her montage shows a countertop covered in various items: a pencil/writing utensils case, a tub of Lysol wipes, a power drill, books, some clothes, and other things.
After that: a disheveled refrigerator lined with different condiments and packages of food inordinately stacked on top of each other in a messy manner throughout its interior.
"I'm a working mom and some of the important things have been let go too long in the past weeks," she pens.

Following the image of the food situation, she shows a picture of a cubby system, each individual box filled with toys splayed out all over the floor: "The clutter is making all of us feel stress," she added.
Kivankc then shows a picture of a cutlery drawer filled with knives and spoons and forks: "I was going to stay home to clean, but I could use a date night. Seems like a good compromise." she added.
In the first image of her slideshow, she also asked other users on the platform if they thought her proposal was a good one and it seems that there are a number of TikTokers on the application who indeed thought it was.

"I think this is a great opportunity for your babysitter. You’re giving a choice, and I love that," one user on the app said.
Someone else replied: "This is a great idea!! Sometimes it’s boring to just to sit and watch tv, this makes time go by quicker and sometimes it’s things I would do to help"
Another user on the application echoed the aforementioned sentiment, writing: "as a babysitter that usually just cleans anyways bc i can’t sit still, i’d appreciate the thought and compensation!"
However there were other folks who seemed to take issue with the pricing structure of the list of chores, like this one person who said: "I think $10 is too cheap for some of these tasks considering the amount of work/size of the mess"

Another person replied: "With how messy your house is you’d better double those amounts…."
While someone else wrote: "Is anyone else’s eye twitching that vacuum couch isn’t $5 so it all comes out to an even number? No? Just me. Ok."
What do you think? Is Kivankc paying the babysitter enough for their time and effort? She also added that these amounts were in addition to the base pay, while responding to a viewer on the application: "I’m paying her $75 to babysit when my son is already asleep plus any of this on top of it. What do you think would be a more fair price?"