Woman Completely Forgot Dyeing Her Hair After Taking Ambien — She Recorded the Whole Thing
"low key wanna try just to see what alter ego is created"

Published April 1 2024, 7:51 a.m. ET

Ambien makes this woman do weird things, apparently.
A TikToker named Tina (@tinamadlibs) shared a video she took while tripping off the popular sleep medication where she narrates her hair-dying process and it looks like something that the Joker would film as a late-night infomercial for beauty products.
After the effects of the pill wore off with what was probably a vague memory of her spending a considerable amount of time speaking into a smartphone camera from the night before, Tina looked at her phone's recording history to see the video that she took of herself.
She uploaded the final result on TikTok for her followers' viewing pleasure.
Tina writes in a caption for the video: "You have all asked to here is the small feature film of me showing you what happens when I take an ambien … ………I usually do something I don’t remember doing … sleep eating, shopping sleep walking but never sleep dying my hair… so you are welcome…"
"Me on Ambien not knowing I dyed my hair in the middle of the night," Tina writes in a text overlay of her video. Her hair is matted and she speaks into the camera with an affected accent.
The video then cuts to Tina talking into the camera from her car, explaining the strange-seeming behavior she just displayed in another frame of the clip earlier.
She says that because she's going through menopause she's having difficulty sleeping, which is why she decided to pop an Ambien to try and get her to rest.
There is one downside to her taking the Ambien though — when she takes the sleeping pill, Tina explains, she often does things in her sleep.
In this instance, it appears as her recent Ambien usage influenced her to dye her hair and document her decision to do so in a TikTok style video where she pulls her upper lip back to show her first row of teeth, looking a bit like Fire Marshall Bill from In Living Color.

In her clip, she says that because she's "obsessed" with her gray hairs, she's decided to use a package of L'Oreal Paris to "help [her] out tonight" and alter the color of her hair.
Even in her Ambien-induced state, she still manages to produce a thorough video delineating her hair-dye process, even indicating the numerical amounts attributed to the different dyes she used on different parts of her hair.
She continues to talk in an affected voice, telling her audience that she's "waiting for the timer" which will indicate that her hair is done. Looking down at her wrist she reveals that there isn't a watch — just some bracelets, yet she still continues to act as if there's a timer on her watch.
As the video progresses she's entirely committed to the "beauty influencer" type character she's rocking for the sake of the clip, bringing out a bottle that she shows off for the camera and says is meant to help "texturize" her follicles.

As she checks on the status of her hair, she doesn't appear all too enthused with the results, stating that her strands are looking a bit on the "emo" side and is too dark for her tastes.
"Maybe let's go and rinse out the Black Sabbath," she says, in the hopes of getting a more "Kentucky Derby or like Hollywood Boulevard" aesthetic.
Her clip transitions to her recording herself, again, committed to the strange character, still baring her teeth, but now she's wearing a bath robe and a towel on her head.

This clip in her video turns out to be a set up for the reveal of her hair dye in the clip, which she shows off: "We have light roots...dark hair...light hair. It's actually a new trend I'm going for called tri-color what the fahhh...tri color thrice, what the fahhh!" she says, seemingly unhappy with the final result of her hair dye job.
"Let's blow it out and let's see if we can salvage it," she says, trying to come up with ways to save the Ambien-induced hair dye job. After drying her hair out she shows off the end result on camera and with her new look, also comes a new accent.

Speaking in a French affectation, Tina expresses her happiness with how it turned out. "I don't think it's that bad. I think I started off with one accent and now I'm ending with 'nother."
Tina then plays with her hair and begins making faces into the camera before making kissing gestures towards the lens before the clip ultimately ends.