PETA Is Getting Roasted by This Hilarious Seafood Restaurant

Updated Jan. 8 2019, 4:17 p.m. ET

When it comes to restaurants and savage Twitter takedowns, the first one that probably pops into your head is Wendy's, and for good reason. The OG Dave Thomas' fast food franchise has one of the best social media accounts around.
And the best roasts usually come when someone pops up out of nowhere and tries to start beef, which is how word of Wendy's savagery first broke out. It also happens to be the case for an equally brutal restaurant Twitter's account: Jimmy's Famous Seafood.
PETA thought it'd be a good idea to put up a billboard near the restaurant in an attempt to dissuade people from eating crabs, fish, and other crustaceans from the dining establishment.
PETA's come under fire for taking on seemingly "useless" causes in the past, and the internet is full of people who have very strong opinions on the effectiveness and intentions of the organization.
Something that Jimmy's Famous Seafood took full advantage of when they perceived the erection of PETA's billboard as an attack on their business. So they decided to launch an attack of their own.

They mercilessly lambasted PETA on Twitter with a variety of creative and hilarious tweets. From pretending like they were standing outside their office to throw hands, to showing them photos of the very crabs they want people to stop eating.

The restaurant's social media account started blowing up with tons of people liking and retweeting Jimmy's responses to PETA. There were some people, however, on PETA's side who weren't too happy with the way the business was handling its beef with the animal rights organization.

But the best part about Jimmy's, which is why we love Wendy's so much, is that they weren't afraid to take the low road with the people who came at them. And it's that personal brand of savagery that got their tweets so much exposure.

Kip thought that he could step to Jimmy's with an "I slept with your mom" joke, which seemed a bit forced. Jimmy's, however, had some quick-witted minds working their Twitter account and weren't afraid to take their digs to an even more personal level.

Now, most social media accounts would've just left it at that. They got their shots at PETA and their social media followers, but Jimmy's isn't like other social media accounts.
They decided to bring up some of the questionable tactics that PETA has employed in the past and some "dirty" open secrets about the organization and its practices.

They argued that PETA actually kills tons of animals on its own, so it shouldn't be telling crab restaurants not to steam crustaceans for seafood-loving patrons.
PETA decided to respond by "taking the high road" and linking to some local vegan restaurant spots that people could check out instead of eating at Jimmy's.

They also linked to some online literature that further explained the "last-resort" shelters that Jimmy's referenced in their savage tweet calling out the organization.

Jimmy's was already too deep into the beef to let things go, however, and must've had a reply in store for PETA's rebuttal, because they came back to the animal rights group with this: A third-party news story covering PETA's shelters, while pointing out that the article they linked was one written by the organization itself.

Jimmy's would not let up, and kept pointing out the perceived hypocritical nature of PETA's protest of the restaurant's seafood-cooking business. The tweets just kept on coming.

The outrage on social media just grew and grew, with people staunchly opposing both PETA and Jimmy's. Lines were drawn in the sand. Sides were taken. Claims were made. A war of ideas raged on.

The best part of these interactions is just how unafraid Jimmy's is of engaging with people one-on-one. It's at times like this where I echo the hackneyed reminder that "Twitter is free."

They weren't afraid to get historical-nationalistic with it, either. I'd say if the founding fathers could've ever imagined that Twitter would be a thing, this next one would've made them smile.

In case you're wondering how this little interaction between this PETA supporter and Jimmy's ended up, well, take a look at this little gem the restaurant sent out. Oh. My. God.

The more the squabble continued, the more fans Jimmy's Seafood gained. Don't worry, the restaurant interacted with them too, their clapbacks weren't just for "the haters."

Their savagery became so notorious that even professional NBA players started getting involved in the kerfuffle. Such is the magical strength of Jimmy's Twitter game.

Now I know what you're thinking, why would they bring a basketball player into a beef with PETA? The answer is I don't know, but I also don't care because this brilliance occurred before our very eyes.

Yes, they went there. They also went back to roasting PETA with some hard statistical data, along with photos of their food for a double whammy of disrespect.

It only prompted people to get on PETA's case about what they could be doing to help animals outside of placing passive-aggressive billboards outside of restaurants.

The last PETA-slam tweet the restaurant sent out was a response to PETA's attempt to clarify its shelter kill rate. Jimmy's maintained its stance and even referenced Nabisco's recent decision to change its packaging after the animal rights group requested they do so for years.
Given the amount of publicity and vitriol that's been garnered in the back-and-forth between Jimmy's and PETA, I think it's safe to say that this isn't the end of this online feud.