Dog Owner Discovers Her "Trainer" May Have Sold Her Dog

Updated Nov. 22 2019, 12:22 p.m. ET

If there's one thing normal, functioning human beings can't stand, it's the mistreatment of animals, especially dogs.
I don't know if there's another species that mourns the abuse of another species like humans do, but I think I know why it bothers us so much: because much like children, animals are innocent.
That's probably why this story is freaking so many people out online. Rachel gave her dog Ollie to a man named Hunter Nelson, who had a dog training business that seemed legitimate. Hunter was supposed to train Ollie, like he allegedly did with many dogs, and teach the pup to be the goodest of good boys.
However when Rachel tried to schedule a pickup for her dog, Hunter attempted to stymie any attempt at every turn. Text after text brought a litany of excuses why she couldn't come get her dog.
In the beginning, Rachel was patient — so patient that anyone reading these messages is probably asking why in the world she's giving this dude the benefit of the doubt.

Things started off normally enough. She checked in periodically to see how her dog was doing, but it wasn't long before the "normal" excuses started running out and all of a sudden Hunter became too busy to respond to texts.

With a combination of carefully worded excuses, ghosting, miscommunications, and random mentions of late clients, Hunter kept a good lie going.

Every time it seems like Rachel was all set to pick up Ollie, at the last minute Hunter has some kind of flimsy excuse. This time it's to use the pup to put on a display for some children. I mean, what kind of monster would deny kids the opportunity to play with a well-mannered and cute dog? Plus, there's some money in it for Rachel, so she'd accept, right? Man, this Hunter dude is the worst.

This is when Hunter starts the beginning of what he thinks will be his way out: Ollie and another dog get bitten by a snake. Just look at how well-orchestrated this lie is: first, he attempts to allay Rachel's fears by saying the vet doesn't think the snake is poisonous, then makes it seem its's not an isolated incident because there another dog who was bitten. Oh, and obviously because Ollie was bitten, he can't be picked up now.

This is where I think it dawns on Rachel that this dude is lying to her: she calls the vet's office Hunter mentioned and they don't have an Ollie at their office. Of course he's got a ton of other excuses why this is the case. If you thought his tall tales and fibs were grandiose before, well, he just keeps upping the ante.

Probably realizing that he wasn't going to get out of the lie, Hunter decided to try and end things once and for all while pretending to be caring and understanding throughout the whole ordeal. He's trying to say that Ollie died from the snake bite at the Vet's office and that a proper burial was held for the dog. He then goes on to offer a replacement dog when Rachel is "ready" to make the move and get over losing her pup.

Rachel, clearly tired of the run-around, wants proof of her dog's death and demands the vet's phone number. All of Hunter';s lies begin to crumble when he can't answer simple questions, and then the conversation devolves into a tale of pity and a plea, on his behalf, that she not make her grievances public.

To recap: Hunter can't or won't prove Ollie's died. He can't provide a number for the vet who treated the dog. He can't provide the name of the doctor either. He can't provide any certificates proving Ollie died, or that he was bitten by a snake. Nor can he prove anything else he said was true.

Up to this point, Rachel has had the patience of Mother Teresa. But she finally does what any other person would've done after the second excuse: she calls BS. As it turns out, Hunter has a history of doing shady things with pets, like reselling them.

She keeps things nice and polite and professional, but is still firm in her requests. Hunter starts begging when she posts a negative review of his business on Facebook, invoking the name of his wife. He begs her to retract it for his wife's sake. But he probably should've thought about that before being an obvious liar.

And that's where the texts end. Rachel posted screenshots of her conversation on Facebook in an attempt to warn everyone about the dangers of dealing with Hunter Nelson and his dog training "facility." he's lost her dog and probably won't see little Ollie again, but posted pictures of the good boy in case anyone realizes they bought a dog who belongs to someone else.