Here’s What It’s Like to Pour Wine for These 16 Celebs
<p>Here's how famous folks treat servers, according to the people who had the pleasure of waiting on them.</p>
Updated Dec. 17 2018, 10:29 a.m. ET

If you truly want to judge someone's character, watch how they treat restaurant staff. And celebrities are no different — from the ones with weird demands to the ones that drop thousands on tips, here's how famous folks treat servers, according to the people who had the pleasure (or displeasure) of waiting on them.
1. Beyoncé

In 2014 when Beyoncé was in Dublin for her world tour, she stopped by The Temple Bar for a drink. The famous pub's bartender, a man named John, said the experience was pleasant. "She said she liked the Irish Coffee," he said in a video. "I said, 'Well if you liked it, you should've put a ring on it.'" Beyoncé must've liked the exchange because she later plugged the bar on her Instagram.
2. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

During happier times when Brad and Angelina were still together, they attended a Japanese restaurant for Angelina's birthday. “They are so cool,” their waiter, 24-year-old Undine Orth told Germany’s BILD newspaper. "At nine o’clock at night, they were there at the door. They took their shoes off, like all guests."
The couple and their six children ordered $1,000 worth of sushi, and Brad paid for everything in cash, leaving a $700 tip.
"My knees were shaking," the waitress said. “I shared the tip with 15 of my colleagues."
3. Snoop Dogg

Waiting on Snoop Dogg sounds a lot like what you would expect. "He tried to order Dom Pérignon, which we didn't have, but he settled for a Sprite," reddit user whiskeypetes wrote. "He was there with three girls. I couldn't understand a word he said but he ordered two meals for himself. His girls had to 'translate' for him. Overall he was polite and nice. He even signed autographs for a couple kids (and my star-struck manager). I felt bad because he just wanted to have dinner and people were bombarding him."
4. Taylor Swift

When Taylor Swift dropped by a quaint restaurant with her family and entourage, the experience was so pleasant, the waiter shared their story on Taylor's subreddit page. "The entire reason I'm even posting this story here is because I was so taken with how genuinely nice of a person she is/was," the waiter wrote. When Taylor made small talk with the server, they both discovered that they went to the same high school.
"What followed was a good 20-minute stroll down memory lane with the biggest pop-star in the world, comparing our favorite English teachers or places in common that we'd hang out after school," they wrote. "Having moved far away from Tennessee soon after graduating high school, it was a pretty surreal experience receiving updates on what has changed in town, which teachers have retired, how good the football team was while she was there — all from someone who is followed by one out of every three Americans on Instagram."
5. Kevin Smith

According to waiter C.J. Kincaid, who shared his story with Kitchenette, director Kevin Smith and his family once dined at the restaurant he worked in. Although the director was friendly and tipped 100 percent on a $35 tab, right as the star and his family were leaving, Kevin realized he had kept the staff late by arriving at the restaurant right before it was about to close. He was so apologetic, he forced the entire staff to come out so that he could address them.
"He handed us each one of the four piles of one thousand f&%king dollars in cash he’d neatly made on the register counter," C.J. wrote. "So, Kevin Smith is a good dude."
6. Leonardo DiCaprio

He might be one of today's biggest actors, but according to servers, he's barely recognizable in real ife.
"Leonardo Dicaprio was very shy," reddit user BrightEyed77 wrote about their experience. "He hid himself very well. I didn't even realize who he was until after five minutes of talking to him. He was working on his Boston accent I guess."
7. Will Ferrell

And actor Will Ferrell is another celebrity who's more low-key than you'd expect. According to former bartender and reddit user faw-q, the former SNL cast member went through extreme measures to avoid having to talk to fans. "We had a bucket in the basement that Will would use to piss in to avoid everyone else," they wrote. "Will was not what I expected. He was kinda shy, and when they were leaving, he came up to me, shook my hand, and said I did a great job."
8. Oprah

Being a billionaire hasn't stopped Oprah from being humble. "She was amazing," server and reddit user thepizzapeople wrote. "I was the closest server in sight and she saw me and worked her way up to me. She took me by the forearm and pulled me close and quietly said, 'When are you guys serving the food? I'm starving.' To which I replied. 'The food is ready, we were just waiting for you, ma'am.' She said, "Awesome. Thanks, honey!'"
In addition to being "polite, respectful, down to earth and pleasant," Oprah had someone on her team hand-deliver huge cash tips to each of the servers. "I served a lot of well known names while I was there, [...] but Oprah is easily one of the most famous women alive, and she was absolutely amazing."
9. Gordon Ramsay

Chef Gordon Ramsay might scream and call people "f%$ing donkeys" on Hell's Kitchen, but in real life he's quite the gentleman. "I was very nervous because of his TV persona but he was actually very polite, probably the most polite customer I've ever had, he didn't even tell anyone to f&#k off," reddit user scraps120 shared. "At the end of the night he requested to see the head chef and shook his hand in appreciation and tipped us £100 [$127]."
10. Justin Bieber

Famous bartender Simone Caporale has made drinks for many celebs, from Angelina Jolie to Madonna, but he hated his experience with Justin Bieber. "About four years ago, I kicked Justin Bieber out of the bar because he was behaving stupid," he told the South Morning China Post. "I asked him for his ID card, but he didn’t have it, so I told him politely I couldn’t serve him a drink. It was more revenge on a little spoiled pop singer."
11. Bill Murray

"Bill Murray, who is my hero, was amazing," wrote reddit user Jmazz1111, who used to serve at The Hollywood and Pittsburgh Improv for four years. "He sat there and listened to me go on and on how he's my favorite actor of all time and then after I went on for like five minutes he said, 'Thanks for the compliment, my name is Bill. Nice to meet you. Can I get a margarita now?' [...] Tipped me $50 on the margarita. What a guy!"
12. Dave Chapelle

"I bartended at Dave Chappelle's private birthday party," reddit user Cushshow wrote. "He was the coolest except he spoiled the third to last Breaking Bad episode for me by acting it out word for word and dissecting every minute detail. But then he bought a Stella and gave us a $100 dollar bill. Actually he took the bill out of his pocket, lifted it above his head, then slammed it down on the bar and shouted, 'BAM!!!' I am happy to still be a fan of his."
If someone's going to spoil Breaking Bad for you, it might as well be Dave.
13. Ethan Hawke

The actor was a regular at a well-known Thai establishment in NYC where he befriended the entire restaurant staff. "It became so common that I hardly gave pause when I saw him," former server Martina Neumann told Thrillist. "One night, I was exhausted from two doubles in a row. [...] I yawned and opened my eyes to see Ethan Hawke disco dancing, Stayin' Alive-style. He danced right up to me, pointing his finger and all. I just stared at him and nodded."
14. Slash

While bartending at NAMM, one server had a positive experience with Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash after having a rude encounter with another quasi-celeb.
"My favorite to this day is still Slash," reddit user ForDot208 wrote. "[Slash's] chilling and avoiding the crowd. Fieldy (bassist from Korn) runs up and orders six fruity, complicated things. Zombie, Orgasm, Sex on the Beach, etc. 'I need those fast, brother. I'll hook you up.' I slam them out, and get told to keep the whopping $3 change as my tip. After he's gone, Slash slides a $100 bill forward. I ask if he needs change cause he's paid cash the first couple beers. 'No, man, that's for you. *Indicating over his shoulder.* He's a dick." I gave him his next beer on the house. I'll happily serve Slash any d*%n time."
15. Kendall Jenner

Back in 2014, a waitress accused Kendall of walking out on the bill. "That horrible moment you chase a Kardashian down the street because she forgot to pay her bill, [only] to be thrown money in your face," actress and waitress Blaine Morris tweeted. Kendall, of course, denied it, but it wouldn't be the last time she was accused of not tipping.
16. Bill Clinton

All servers who had a chance to pour drinks for the former president have all had similar stories about Bill's infamous charisma.
"Bill Clinton bumped me into a table, causing me to spill wine," reddit user robin1961 wrote. "He grabbed my shoulder and announced to the table that the blunder was his, but 'Now you get to say an ex-president spilled wine on you.'"
"[He] came in with Mary Steenburgen on one arm and this gorgeous, tall black woman on the other," another server wrote. "[He] has the softest hands. Easily the most charismatic person I've ever met in person. He visited several times and always remembered my name despite the fact we never had a conversation over ten seconds long."