“Is She Safe?” — Best Man Uninvited From Wedding via Text, TikTok Thinks His Friend’s in Danger
"I'm actually worried for your friend!!!"

Published Sept. 6 2024, 2:00 a.m. ET

A man learned he was no longer going to be the best man at his longtime friend's wedding via text message. Trevor Hiltz (@trevor.hiltz) states that the most baffling aspect of this callous maneuver was that it came out of nowhere — the two of them had been talking previously and planned significant portions of the wedding together. He even went shopping for her dress with her.
Trevor detailed the drama through a series of TikToks. He begins his initial video by speaking into the camera as he begins a skincare routine. He sarcastically invites the viewers to "get ready with" him as he was supposed to be doing to his best friend's wedding, but that is no longer happening because he was uninvited.
The TikToker explains the falling out in his clip: "We were best friends since high school. About 15 years. And I got put in a group chat with seven other individuals."
The group chat started "about two months" prior to the wedding, and it's in this group message that he learned he'd no longer be attending the reception and ceremony as his former pal's best man. "What's appalling is that when I tried to reach out to ask her what's going on, got no response," he said.
It's not as if there was any build up to this message, either. Trevor says that he was performing a litany of best man duties for his friend. Everything seemed fine:
"Like she was in my wedding about a year and a half ago. About six months ago, I went wedding dress shopping with her. Picked out her wedding dress with her. Had everything booked and just got put in a group chat and told that I am basically chopped liver."
Trevor explains why he's maintaining such equanimity in the wake of losing a longtime friend:
"Now I'm not gonna dwell and I would never beg to be friends with someone, and I know that I'm, like, a damned good friend. And will I be sad about missing all the good memories, yeah. But, whatever the future holds. And I also just hope that no one else ever goes through the pain and sadness that I went through. Just because I don't think anyone deserves it."
He capped off his initial video by stating while he wanted to be sad, he decided to try and encourage the good in his life instead — by going out and getting dinner with his spouse: "So whether you're going through something rough or not, just ... find the good in every day. Even though I thought today would've been different. Getting ready to go get a nice dinner with my husband."
Numerous commenters who responded to Trevor's clip really wanted to see the group chat message and he obliged them in a follow-up clip. "Everyone keeps asking what the group chat said and what's sad is that it didn't even come from her. It came from her now-husband," he said.
The screenshot appears behind Trevor's head in the video, he moves out of the way so viewers can see what his former best friend's significant other wrote. "Good afternoon all, I hope this message finds you well. As we continue to finalize the details for our upcoming wedding, we've had to make some difficult decisions regarding our guest list."
The message continued to read: "Unfortunately, you are among the individuals we need to uninvite due to unforeseen circumstances and the need to keep our celebration more intimate. This was not an easy decision, and we sincerely hope you understand."
Trevor said that the message seemed like it was written by ChatGPT and that he was so saddened because he had been asked to be the best man.
His clip then transitions to a photo of him standing before a photo showing the gift basket he received asking him to be the wedding's best man. There's a bottle of booze along with a card and a t-shirt that appears to say "Best Man" on it.
He thought his level of involvement in planning the wedding would at least warrant a phone call that he wouldn't be able to attend.
Trevor also addresses comments from folks who speculated that there must have been something more to the story.
But he says that he was truly taken aback because he can't understand why he was cut off so summarily.
Trevor went on to state that when he reached out to his ex-BFF asking what happened in a separate text, that he ultimately received an "even colder message" than the one presented in the group chat.
He shared that one with his followers in a third video.
In his text he said he was "confused" and that he had everything already "booked" for the wedding as it was only two weeks out from the day of the celebration. He asked if she could "hop on a call" to discuss what was going on because the last time they were chatting about how excited they were for the wedding, so the complete 180-degree turn was jarring for him.
He received a text from her phone number stating that she appreciates him checking in but that she's just planning on eloping with her husband "instead of the original wedding plans."
She added that he could go ahead and cancel his reservations as other people have been able to do so without any issues.
For contrast, he showed his previous text message conversation with his ex friend who told him that she loved him and was so grateful to have him as a friend. She talked about having a "bubble welcome" and she even pasted a champagne bottle emoji.
It's definitely weird to see someone telling their friend they want them to pose with bubble guns at their wedding, to completely cutting them out of their life the next day.
Several TikTokers who responded to the video, however, stated that they thought something was off about the new text messages and speculated that something nefarious could be afoot.
The dominant theory was that her husband had control of her phone and was canceling the wedding plans as a means of covering his tracks.