Claudia Conway Seeks Emancipation, Citing "Years of Childhood Trauma and Abuse"

Updated Aug. 25 2020, 9:18 a.m. ET

By this point, it's not all that surprising that Claudia Conway is trending because she claims she is officially pushing for emancipation. We all know by now how Claudia feels about her mom, Kellyanne Conway, who now serves as a counselor to Trump and used to be his campaign manager.
"I'm officially pushing for emancipation. buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. welcome to my life," Claudia tweeted on Aug. 22. This came after her tweeting how devastated she was that Kellyanne is speaking at the RNC.

Is Claudia Conway really pushing for emancipation?
It seems like Claudia has had enough of her mother's behavior and how she's treated her throughout Claudia's life. Claudia stresses that she's not getting emancipated because of her mom's job, but instead because "years of childhood trauma and abuse."
She further explained that her mother has ruined her life and put her career, fame, and money before her children. "My mother’s job ruined my life to begin with. heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. selfish. it’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen," she wrote.
As for her father, Republican George T. Conway has been vocal that he doesn't support Trump, but Claudia doesn't seem to be close with him, either. "As for my dad, politically, we agree on absolutely nothing. we just both happen to have common sense when it comes to our current president. stop 'stanning' him," Claudia wrote.
Just earlier this month, Claudia took to TikTok to tell her fans that her mother got her arrested. We're not exactly sure what for, since Claudia uploaded a satirical representation of the situation. On Aug. 6, Claudia posted a TikTok with text reading, "Sing the lyrics or we arrest your daughter for something she didn't do," "my mom: I DON'T KNOW THEM," and then *arrests me.*
In another TikTok, Claudia posts, "Kellyanne just called me and said I'm putting her life in danger by speaking out and how I'm gonna get arrested again for making 'false allegations.'"
For those who disagree with Claudia's actions, she uploaded a TikTok basically telling people to back off. "Can you all stop telling me how to live my life and portray my mother? I respect her to the extent she deserves. The woman got me ARE$$TED, ruined my life. I'm doing what I can. Mind your business."
It seems like Claudia and her mom weren't always on bad terms though. In 2018, Claudia uploaded a slideshow on Mother's Day, captioning the post, "happy mother’s day to my beautiful mom. i love you to the moon and back and i aspire to be like you everyday." Many commenters have noted that this did not age very well. The two photos she posted depicted happier times. Below is a more recent one.

Here's Kellyanne and Claudia when she was a baby.

Relationships change, though. Claudia grew up and most likely wisened up to what (and who) her mother supported. Spiritual author Marianne Williamson, who briefly campaigned for the Democratic nomination back in 2019, tweeted to Claudia, "I don’t agree with your mother politically, Claudia, but she’s still your mom."
Marianne continued, "I promise you your life ahead will be better if you handle your issues with her privately. I’m sure she’d go to counseling with you, if you don’t already. Love has got to trump politics. It just has to."
Maybe there's some truth in that. Hopefully Claudia finds happiness in whatever she decides to do.