Bride Laments Low Cash Gifts After $60K Wedding, but the Internet Is Divided
"Did they think they were gonna MAKE money from their wedding?!?"

Published Nov. 14 2024, 4:00 a.m. ET
In another episode of Online Wedding Drama, X user Kayla (@kaylajohnsonatl) posted about a jaw-dropping entry from a bride who expected her guests to shell out some serious cash. And wasn't too happy when she saw how much money she received from her guests after her matrimonial celebrations.
According to the post, the bride and groom spent a whopping $60,000 on their wedding for 270 guests and worked themselves to the bone to afford it — pushing bills and even borrowing $4,000 from the bride's mom, who, as luck would have it, wanted it back by the end of the month.
But when it came time to open the gift envelopes, they found themselves with only $3,000 in cash and checks combined. That averages out to just $11 per guest! Reeling from disappointment, they even canceled their honeymoon plans on the spot. “We’re like freaking out and just really devastated,” the bride wrote, adding, “We would’ve thought we’d at least get like $10,000.”
X users wasted no time chiming in on the “wedding audacity” of it all. One user broke it down with some tough love, saying, “That equates to $11 a guest, which is low, but you still need to throw a wedding you can afford in the first place. Also, it’s acceptable for guests to mail gifts after the wedding, so maybe wait a few weeks before slamming your friends and family on the internet 😬.”
Another user backed the newlyweds, explaining, “Haven’t been to a wedding in 10 years, but even then it was expected that $100 was the minimum reasonable gift amount per guest.”
A more middle-ground commenter weighed in with, “That seems low to me, honestly, although I also think spending $60k on a wedding is insane. But $50-$100 per person for a wedding gift is pretty standard in my circles. I’d never shame anyone over it, though.”
Another took a trip down memory lane, “I remember when a toaster would have sufficed as a wedding gift.” In an era where wedding gifts once meant helping a couple start their life together with basics — think a nice toaster or some tableware — the modern shift to high cash expectations has raised eyebrows.
With toasters now available for a cool $15 on Amazon, it’s clear the stakes have changed, but not everyone’s on board with the updates.
So what’s behind this spike in wedding expenses and expectations? Historically, wedding gifts were meant to support a couple’s new life, often helping them furnish a home.
But with today’s “insta-worthy” weddings, some couples now see cash as a way to ease the wedding bill itself. This can lead to major disappointments when guests — who may have their own financial struggles — don’t show up with a fat envelope.
And it’s not just weddings that are evolving; our economy is making it harder for everyone to keep up. In today’s landscape, where almost two-thirds of middle-class Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, splurging on wedding gifts may not be feasible.
A recent article from The Daily Telegraph pointed out how many couples and guests alike are feeling the squeeze, as societal expectations collide with real-world financial hardship.
In the end, it’s clear that weddings—and the expectations around them — are rapidly evolving. Love may be timeless, but as Kayla’s viral post reminds us, weddings sure aren’t!
With inflation and high costs around every corner, maybe splurging on a $60K wedding isn’t as glamorous as it sounds. After all, love might be priceless, but the price of celebrating it? Well, that’s a whole other ball of wax.