Wendy's Employee Shares "Gross" Way Chili Is Made but People Are Unfazed

Published April 1 2023, 9:50 a.m. ET

Sometimes, discovering how one of your favorite foods is made might just turn you off from eating it completely. If you enjoy eating imitation crab meat, seeing it being prepared and stretched out into long strings of a taffy-like substance may or may not change your mind about topping your all-you-can-eat-buffet salad with it.
Seeing the way hot dogs are made may also make you want to wish you never grabbed a hot slab of tubular meat at the ballpark too.
And apparently, this Wendy's worker thought that their video demonstrating how the fast food franchise's chili is made would elicit the same response from its customers, however, many people saw nothing wrong with its preparation.
TikToker @jettyboidylan posted a video of what looks like a first-person view of Wendy's employee making its chili. The clip begins with the gathering of uneaten burger patties into a plastic container. A text overlay in the clip reads: "Don't Eat Chili From Wendy's !!" another overlay states: "There's still cheese on one," highlighting that a piece of cheese is clinging to one of the patties.
The employee then fills the plastic tub up with water and dunks the meat inside of it, making sure that all of the patties are properly saturated.

The clip then cuts to the worker placing the tub of wet burger patties into a microwave, where it's cooked for one minute and twenty seconds. Once the timer runs out, the worker then takes the plastic container, with the lid still on, and hovers it over a sink.

They tip the container towards the sink, straining all of the water and pouring it down the drain. Next up: re-texturization. With the wet, hot meat (get your mind out of the gutter) still inside of the plastic container, the employee grabs a spatula and then begins to chop it up into smaller pieces of beef.

The camera then transitions to a mass of mashed up meat, which is then placed inside of a bag and then later used to make the chain's chili.
A barf emoji in the video's caption encapsulates how the TikToker feels about the way Wendy's chili is prepared, but there didn't seem to be too many other users who thought there was anything wrong with how the popular item is made.

One commenter remarked, "that's literally almost how you make chili," while another said, "that is how almost every soup is made, using leftover food. today's leftover baked potatoes become tomorrow's potato soup."

Others couldn't care less about whatever revelatory clip the TikToker was sharing, with some writing, "Nah imma still eat it," and another penning, "It don't matter it's still good."

Someone else claimed that every single other fast food chain that has offered or still offers chili makes it this exact same way: "Any fast food chilli is made with the left over hamburger patties it was like that at Braums McDonald's and bk when they had it"

What do you think of the way Wendy's chili is made? Were you surprised to see that it was comprised of uneaten hamburgers/cheeseburgers from customers? Or does it not surprise you, knowing that a big part of why the dish became popular was due to its convenience from Gold Rush travelers who ate it for its convenience/heartiness?