Woman Gets Text from Ex the Night Before His Wedding Thanking Her for Loving Him

Updated July 23 2019, 1:03 p.m. ET

When you hear that a woman received a text from her ex-boyfriend the night before his wedding, your mind probably goes where mine does, and your reaction might sound a little something like this: "Aw hell no!" "Who is this joker?!" "What the what in the what?!"
And most times, you'd probably be correct in your evaluation of the situation. When dudes are texting their exes the night before their wedding to someone else, that raises all the red flags in the world, even flags like the U.S. flag that are only partly red. So when Alexa received a text from her ex out of the blue, she rightly reacted initially kind of like, "Um, uh, what's up? What's going on?"
But the response she got was definitely not what she expected. This dude, her ex, straight-up wanted to thank her on the eve of his marriage to the woman he loves now, for everything she did for him. He sent her a long and genuinely touching text about what their relationship meant to him even though it didn't work out in the end.
So many emotions. So many reactions. I don't know what to think or feel. On one hand, this is a man acknowledging that Alexa was responsible for helping him be able to love his almost-wife. It's a man opening up about his feelings. How often does that happen?! On the other hand, it's a dude contacting his ex-girlfriend the night before he marries someone else...
Depending on what their breakup was like, it could be seen as a less-than-genuine gesture to make her jealous or mock her for some reason. Luckily, Alexa didn't see it that way. She was extremely moved by his message and sent a lovely text in return.
This just seems like two people who grew up and matured and are able to acknowledge what they meant to each other and be genuinely happy that the other person is happy. This is something you don't see every day, folks, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Obviously, this text exchange went completely viral, garnering over 97,000 retweets and 425,000 likes. People were clearly affected by this and just as touched as Alexsa was to receive this positive message. Many people found him to be utterly perfect in every way and even asked Lex why their relationship didn't work out.
Obviously, they both helped each other through a tragic incident, and it's not uncommon for relationships to fall apart when confronted with traumatic events like this. Knowing their background made people even more smitten with this pair and the way they communicate now.
It's not every day you see two adults on the internet actually acting like adults, having a strictly positive interaction, and sharing their mutual respect and admiration for each other. It's like spotting a unicorn. This is a rare treasure.
But while the majority of people may have been swooning over these former lovebirds, others had more mixed reactions, and I can't say I blame them. I found myself in that camp too after I initially read the message. Was this guy basically saying, "Thanks to all the work you did on me, I can now successfully love this other person. Woo!"? Because that's not quite the inspiring message that it seems to be.
But then again, Alexa herself didn't see it this way, and that's what matters, right? It seems like they both learned a lot from that relationship. They were both young and learning how to be good partners, so maybe it wasn't as one-sided as it sort of seems from his message.
Others felt like it was super weird for this dude to be texting his ex the night before his wedding no matter the context. In his text he explicitly states that his fiancée was aware that he was sending this message, but I don't know, if I was getting married to the love of my life, I don't know that I would want him communicating with his ex-girlfriend the night before.
I think I'd be weirded out, too! If my dude sat me down and said he wanted to express to his ex how thankful he was for their relationship, I'd be on board... But it seems to me that the time for that would be like, I don't know, maybe at least a week before the wedding or something.
It would be strange if we were lying in bed, the night before being united forever in wedded bliss, and I turned to my fiancé, asked him what he was thinking about, and he said, "Actually, really thinking about my ex, Alexsa. I think I want to text her." Like...no thanks!
Then again, we only know tiny snippets of their story. Maybe, in context, this truly was what it seemed: A man who matured and finally learned how to be in love who wanted to thank the woman he first explored that side of himself with. A lovely interaction and nothing more. A true, heartfelt message of gratitude. If that's the case, that's not so bad.