Man Accidentally Accepts Job at NASA That He's Totally Unqualified For, Explains How He Got It In Viral Video

Updated April 25 2023, 9:19 a.m. ET

There are tons of people who ended up staying at jobs that they never intended to be in for longer than a few months or a year. Sometimes, this works out in one's benefit: like Dave Chappelle's character in A Star is Born says, "You know it's like, I dunno you... you float out... float out at sea then one day you find a port, say, 'I'm gonna stay here a few days'. A few days becomes a few years. Then you forgot where you were going in the first place. Then you realize you don't really care about where you were going, cause you like where you at."
And then there are people who just never made or couldn't find the time to go after their dream career who, before they know, are on their deathbeds wondering just where the heck their lives went.
And then you have people like David Miller, who "accidentally" lands a job with NASA.

Heather Harp, David's girlfriend, had her beau describe the unconventional circumstances surrounding his gainful employment with the space expedition team in a now viral TikTok post.
The video includes the text: "pov: your engineer boyfriend starts working for NASA on a #nobones day."
In the clip, Heather asks David just how the story went down, to which David replies: "I got an interview for a job working on airplanes, then got a call back saying, 'Hey, there's a different job that we think you might like and it's for the Manipulator, Analysis Graphics, and Interactive Kinematics (MAGIK) team.' I was like, 'I don't know what that is' but I said, 'Sounds interesting. Since you're calling me back, I'm assuming I can get an in-person interview. I'd like to hear about both jobs when I do that."
Some several weeks later, David received a phone call. No, it wasn't a "Scam Likely," but the kind of ring we all want to receive: he got the job!
Trouble was, he didn't know which job he was getting, as he technically never really interviewed for the second one and thought her was given the position he discussed in person.
"I assumed I got hired for the first job, but it was actually the second one — one that I never even had an interview for. And it was for something that I totally didn't understand. So I moved to Texas and started doing that job," David said.
It wasn't until after he moved to Texas and attended his orientation day that he discovered oh, he wasn't hired for that first gig, but he was actually a part of friggin' NASA! Even though David originally thought he was going to be working a "wire harness position" and instead became a mechanical engineer for what is arguably the coolest scientific entity since the Mr. Wizard fan club.
Interestingly enough, David actually did work on some space related stuff when he was a college student: "I just didn’t know the details because they hired me without interviewing me for that role specifically. I actually worked on some space stuff in college, like a student-designed satellite, and I’d done a zero gravity/microgravity test in the Weightless Wonder — AKA 'the vomit comet."
Of course, tons of people wanted to know: just how in the world does that happen?! Is NASA intentionally trying to keep their hiring process on the DL? David expressed that he didn't believe that to be the case.
"I don’t think the hiring process was meant to be intentionally confusing or secretive, I think it’s just that Boeing is a huge contractor for NASA — and they really needed people for the MAGIK team. Actually, I had a coworker (Karl) who got hired a week before me, and it happened in essentially the same way for him. So, I’m pretty sure they just needed to get the team staffed quickly, so they made it happen from the pool of applicants that were already in their system," he said according to Yahoo.
David currently doesn't work for NASA anymore, however, he did spend eight years with the administration as part of the MAGIK team, and his contributions sound pretty legendary: "I got to work on things that went into space and physically touch them and make a difference. I was also in Mission Control when things were happening in space, like spacewalks and dockings."
David now actually owns his own business: LA Photo Party, which is described on its website as: "LA PHOTO PARTY is an experiential photo entertainment company that specializes in photo activations at events and manufactures photo booths and photo booth software."
Snapping pics of yourself in a photo booth designed by someone at NASA is such a flex, let's be real for a second.