Morgan Bailey's "Deadbeat" Baby Daddy Has Revealed Himself on TikTok and Folks Are Stunned

Published Aug. 24 2023, 1:14 p.m. ET
Folks who make it standard practice to follow TikTok drama are likely aware of Morgan Bailey and her journey as a single mother.
Morgan, who went viral in July 2023 for exposing how she was left to raise her daughter, Gianna, alone has become the talk of social media. Morgan revealed that not only is her baby daddy a deadbeat, he also cheated on her through the course of the relationship and is a father to six other children.
In fact, he has another child only weeks older than Gianna. Yes, you read that correctly.
While most folks use social media to put people who did them wrong on blast, Morgan took the high road. She only refers to her baby daddy as “that random man in Atlanta.” However, the random man in Atlanta has now put a face to the drama, and folks are ripping him apart online. Here’s the full scoop.
Morgan Bailey shared on TikTok that her baby daddy has been harassing her ever since her story blew up online.
Be very careful of who you choose to procreate with. In an Aug. 13, 2023 TikTok reply video, creator Morgan Bailey (@morganbailey) responded to a follower who joked about Morgan’s merchandise.
“The random kid from Atlanta gets me everytime,” one user commented.
Morgan then shared in the video that her baby daddy is mad about her exposure, merchandise, and being called out on social media for being a true f-boy.
“You guys got that random in Atlanta real mad at me today,” Morgan said while holding Gianna. “Real mad at me. He just told me to jump off of a cliff.”
“Like, which one sir? Which one?” Morgan asked. “That’s a little bit awkward. Anyways, go buy my merchandise. He’s upset that I made merchandise that says, ‘From a random man in Atlanta.’"
Morgan shared that it has been six months since the random man left her with their child, his T-shirt presses, and nothing else.
“So I made merchandise out of it using his T-shirt presses and he told me to jump off of a cliff. So, Happy Saturday. Do with that information as you will. Link in my bio.”

JaQuan Sanks, father of seven children, and Morgan Bailey's baby daddy
The random Atlanta man has revealed his identity and is catching more heat for his mistreatment of Morgan Bailey and his other baby mamas.
Now that Morgan and Gianna are slowly on their way to becoming TikTok royalty, the random man from Atlanta has revealed himself.
In a slew of TikTok videos, creator Hometown Hero (@hometownhero1995_), aka JaQuan Sanka, revealed himself to be Morgan’s baby daddy. Unfortunately, he shared in countless videos just how messed up he was toward Morgan, made accusations about her parents calling her a liar, and excuses about Morgan being wrong.
Keep in mind, based on words out of his own mouth, it’s clear as day that he mistreated Morgan and left her high and dry. Making matters worse, he left Morgan when she was 30 days postpartum after having a C-section and returned to Atlanta to live with his ex-girlfriend based on his mother’s advice, per Morgan. SMH!
In fact, it appears that Morgan’s account has become even more valid since another one of JaQuan’s baby mamas has stepped forward to tell her story.
Thanks to the TikTok account TeaTock (@clockntea), a woman named Allison Martorell also came forward to support Morgan’s claims in a shared video on their page.
“So that random man in Atlanta is also my baby daddy, too. I am baby mam No. 2,” Allison said in the video. And I’m here to say that everything Morgan is saying is true. Just as how she was pregnant with their daughter and he had someone else pregnant, similar situation with me.”
“So, my son has a brother that is eight days older than him, and he doesn’t call, he hasn't called, helped with anything and he never has,” Allison said.
Not to mention, TikTok users have accused JaQuan of being a predator since he first met Morgan when she was 21 and he was 30.
That said, given JaQuan’s history for creating broken homes, many TikTok users are perplexed as to why he would reveal his identity to the world. As such, folks have not let up on JaQuan and have been calling him everything but a child of God.
Thankfully, Morgan has been able to to turn lemons into lemonade and is now in a better place mentally and financially to take care of herself and Gianna. Hopefully JaQuan's six other baby mamas can do the same.