This New Twitter Trend Explains Why Your Crush Isn't a Perfect a 10

Updated June 21 2022, 3:20 p.m. ET

If you think your significant other/crush is a perfect 10, you're either lying or you don't know that person well enough. Literally, everyone is flawed and everyone sucks at something. Let's please normalize talking about that. Because even if you think the love of your life is a perfect 10, he/she/they definitely probably have some wild quirk and/or mysterious past that puts things into a more realistic perspective.
That's exactly what this new Twitter trend is about. Currently, there is a barrage of tweets on the platform that start with the words, "She's a 10 but..." Usually what follows is something that they believe subtracts from the person's attractiveness. It could be a perceived flaw or weakness, or just something about this person that society generally views as lame.
For example, one person tweeted, "She’s a 10 but she has multiple bacterial colonies growing in the cups beside her bed." As in, she's really good-looking but has a messy room with a cup problem. Another tweet reads, "She’s a 10 but has a Hello Kitty obsession." As in, she's a snack but she might have an entire shrine dedicated to a fictional Japanese cat in her bedroom.
As of writing this, there are thousands of tweets on this topic, and some of the things that people came up with are hilarious.

But don't worry, Twitter didn't forget to include men in this trend. In addition to all of the "she's a 10 but" tweets, there are also scores of "he's a 10 but" tweets, and let's just say men also have a lot of undesirable traits.
Shall we take look at some of the best of these tweets currently trending on the platform? Keep scrolling!
Best "She's a 10 but" tweets on Twitter:
Best "He's a 10 but" tweets on Twitter:
Bottom line: People can seem like they're perfect, but everyone has something "unattractive" about them. For some folks, these oddities might be complete dealbreakers. For others, it's just something that they learn to accept. To each their own, right?
You can check more "she's a 10 but" tweets here. And for more "he's a 10 but" tweets, head here.
A few more realistic folks are sharing "He's a 9 but" / "She's a 9 but" tweets:
In addition to all the "he's a 10 but" and "she's a 10 but" tweets popping off on the platform, there have been a few savage folks who have taken part in the trend, but not without making a slight edit. Instead of rating a significant other or crush a 10, they are rating them a 9 and then continuing to note a feature about this person that they believe makes them actually less than a 9. Oof.
TBH, we love how brutally honest these tweets are and how some users just couldn't call their person a 10 and instead went the extra mile to call them a 9. You keep us all humble!