Tasha Newcombe Is Dating a Younger Fella and She Doesn't Care What People Think About It
"I just have to say that this boy is genuinely the most mature, kind, loving person I’ve ever been in a relationship with."

Published Aug. 15 2024, 12:36 p.m. ET
In news that can only be described as minding the gap, a British influencer has been forced to defend her relationship with a younger guy. Is it a legal issue, a moral issue, or both?
In July 2024, Tasha Newcombe took to TikTok to address the problems some of her fans had with her boyfriend, Marko Vituk. Is this age difference a problem or is it merely a difference of opinions? Read on for answers.
The Tasha Newcombe/Marko Vituk age gap is just five years, but it's complicated.
In her TikTok, Newcombe claimed to be shocked by the fact that she had to basically tell fans to mind their own business. The 21-year-old Newcombe is dating 16-year-old Vituk and shared that part of the reason why she was hesitant to go out with him is because she knew she would face backlash regarding their age difference that that is "only a matter of opinion."
Newcombe was cautious due to the fact that she had never dated a younger person before and "didn't know what kinds of challenges that would bring." She is quick to point out that their relationship is legal, and she's correct. In the United Kingdom, "It's legal for adults of any age to have consensual sex with a 16-year-old, provided they are not in a position of trust, such as their teacher," per Glamour UK.
Despite the fact that Newcombe categorized the relationship as new, she said, "I just have to say that this boy is genuinely the most mature, kind, loving person I’ve ever been in a relationship with." Newcombe adds that she understands people will have opinions about her situation, but it's not OK to bully her, Vituk, or anyone she knows.
Let's cobble together their relationship timeline.
The first time Vituk appears on Newcombe's TikTok is June 8, 2024, in a video where they are dancing together at what appears to be some sort of event, perhaps a wedding reception. Text over the recording reads, "Crazier how someone can make you happier in a few weeks than anyone has ever in your whole life." It stands to reason they probably started dating in mid-May.
Five days later Newcombe shares a TikTok of the couple at a Build-A-Bear Workshop where Vituk is picking out a teddy bear. You can hear Newcombe saying, "Are you serious? Our first child?" Text over the TikTok reads, "Making our firstborn." Following this, there are more TikToks of the two of them at the beach or at the gym together, doing normal couple things. Reactions online to their relationship are evenly mixed, with the funniest pointing out all the things he can't legally do.