Man Blasts $10/hr “Competitive Pay” Right to Interviewer’s Face, Says McDonald’s Pays More

Updated May 30 2023, 9:16 a.m. ET

The United States is currently experiencing a massive labor shortage: there are a purported 1.9 jobs for every job seeker in the employment sector. A large number of these positions are in the food service and hospitality industries. However, some statistics from the US Chamber of Commerce show signs the situation is getting better: "Leisure and hospitality lost 833,000 workers in July 2022, but 1.1 million people were hired into the industry that same month."
Though many companies are offering incentives and wage hikes for workers to fill empty positions, salary increases aren't keeping up with inflation, and a lot of companies still aren't offering enough pay to lure people into filling certain roles.
As a result, throngs of social media posts from folks are "over" looking for work in the current job market, like this viral TikTok from @trevvubus, who stitched together a video with fellow TikTok user @sadisticallysam, in which they blast the amount of money some employers are offering prospective workers.
@sadisticallysam begins his video by stating, "And they'll be like sorry, we're only paying ten. I'm walking out." The clip then cuts to @trevvubus' response, where he states: "No b---- cause this reminded me of a job interview I had a couple of months ago, like I applied at this nail salon to be a receptionist."

He continues, "In the description, it said competitive pay. And I know that's usually not great, but b---- when she told me ten dollars an hour I wasn't speechless. No, I was mouthy."

@trevvubus went on to recount how they responded to the employer's offer. "I said, 'why did you put competitive pay in the job description then?' And meanwhile, this entire interview, I was facing a McDonald's that had a hiring banner facing us saying 'starting at $15 an hour.'"

"So I pointed that s--- out. I pointed that s--- out. I made her turn around 'cause, like, no—the McDonald's across the street has $15 there you're not even competing with the McDonald's across the street? Who are you competing with? She started talking about how this is a family-owned business and 10 dollars is competitive in this market."

But the TikToker didn't seem to find any merit in that response, "Like f--- this family, f--- this business, and f--- this market, I'm leaving. I didn't say 'f--- you f--- this and f--- that,' but I left."

TikTokers said they have experienced the "competitive pay" bait and switch while looking for jobs themselves, only to be let down once they were informed of their starting hourly wage in their job interview.

Several social media posters have expressed disenchantment with entering the workforce altogether. Reddit's "antiwork" sub has amassed a large number of regular posters who have criticized current corporate structures and lack of pay equality, and expressed growing resentment toward the increased cost of living in the United States, which continues to outpace their current salaries.

CNBC reported that, adjusted for inflation, the federal minimum wage of $7.25 has people earning less than they did some sixty years ago.