“Elf Doctor” Uncle Heals Elf on the Shelf’s Lost Magic to Soothe Hysterical 5-Year-Old Niece
"Not him talking in tongue."

Published Dec. 14 2024, 5:30 a.m. ET

If you were to have a competition as to who takes what most seriously, you'd be hard-pressed to find a single demographic that possesses more zeal than children do for Christmas time.
And that's especially true if those same kids are all-in on Yuletide traditions.
And if you're part of a household that has an Elf on the Shelf, you're probably privy to the rules associated with the Elf. Namely, if you touch the cute little North Pole sweatshop worker, they lose their magic, which could upend the very spirit of Christmas itself. And if that happens, there will be no red, shiny bicycle waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs.

And TikToker Tiffany Dawli (@tiffanydawli) ended up documenting just how seriously some kids take their Elves in a viral video that's amassed over 30,000 views on the widely-used social media application.
In the clip, she recorded the sheer terror in the voice of her 5-year-old niece who just learned that her younger sister touched their Elf on a Shelf.
This prompted her to become hysterically distraught over the holiday getting ruined.
Thankfully, she had a quick-thinking uncle around who, in addition to being the type of guy who wants to make little kids feel better, was also a certified Elf doctor.
And as luck would have it, he specializes in restoring the magic Elves lose upon being touched.

Tiffany's video begins with the 5-year-old girl's uncle in action. He's crouched in front of the dollhouse in which the Elf on a Shelf was sleeping, signaling to the crying child that she needs to be quiet in order to ensure his procedure has the greatest level of success.
The camera person pans to the pouting girl, who hopefully watches on. The uncle starts chanting, "Ohhh Elf Doctor. Elf, Elf, Elf doctor."
Next, he starts speaking in tongues as he hovers his hands over the tiny doll.
"Bam!" he declares, standing up and looking at the little girl. "It worked." Someone else off camera then asks him to perform the same procedure over another Elf in the doll house.

"Ohhhhhhh," he hums again before launching into even more gibberish. "Bam!" he says to the little girl again, causing her family to clap and cheer around the dollhouse. Following this, they shower him with a litany of repeated gratitude.
Tiffany sums up the story in a caption for her post. "My 5-year-old niece was devastated when her little sister touched the Elf on the Shelf because it ‘lost its magic.’ Cue my cousin, the hero of the day, who stepped in as an elf doctor and ‘fixed’ the elves. Crisis averted, magic restored, and Christmas saved!"
As it turns out, there were other TikTokers in the comments section of the video who also had to perform some magic restoring Elf on the Shelf procedures themselves.
"I just used cinnamon and placed it in the circle 😂 that helps too!"
Someone else shared the rule that they use to prevent things like this from happening in their own home.
"We learned that kids 2 and under, when they don’t understand, the Elf forgives them, and he doesn’t lose their magic. Not until they are older," they wrote.
It seems that cinnamon is a common remedy for Elves losing their magic, as well: "Just give it cinnamon."
Have you ever had to heal an Elf on the Shelf that was touched by a child? What are your ways for getting their magic back?