The Authors of Pain Are Currently Not a Part of Seth Rollins' 'RAW' Stable

Updated May 19 2020, 2:26 p.m. ET

The first time I happened to see the Authors of Pain appear on WWE, I died laughing because their entire dynamic was hilarious. Here are these burly, intimidating dudes who are speaking two completely different languages and come from two different cultural backgrounds, but feed off one another's monologues and nod their heads as if they perfectly understand one another.
It's a big reason why I want to see AOP back on TV after what happened with Rezar.
I don't expect folks to be as familiar with the Albanian language as they are Hindi, but even if you have never heard anyone speak the two Superstars' respective dialects before, you would know that they're entirely different languages.
Which I think is what added to their mystique even more. There's something wonderfully campy about pro-wrestling and the more fun Superstars have with that suspension of disbelief, while tapping into the "Sports Entertainment" aspect of the business, the better it is.
So what happened to the AOP then?
Why have they been missing from a lot of WWE programming as of late? Well, unfortunately, while match outcomes in pro-wrestling are fixed outcomes, many of the accidents that occur in the ring are not.
On March 9 of this year, Rezar suffered a torn right bicep during a RAW Tag Team match between AOP, Rollins, and Murphy and The Viking Raiders and The Street Profits.
Montez Ford attempted a cross body on Rezar, who caught his opponent in mid-air, but strained his arm in the process. Wrestling Inc reports that there's speculation from industry watchers that the WWE isn't keen on putting Akam on TV without Rezar and wants "The Authors of Pain" to always appear as a tandem unit.
If that's the case, then that's bad news for 26-year-old Sunny Dhinsa (Akam), who is otherwise healthy and able to compete.
Rezar has reportedly undergone surgery to repair his bicep and is expected to take up to eight months until he's ready to get back in the ring. If you've never seen a bicep tearing or what the injury could do to even the mightiest and stalwart of yoked-out people, then I urge you to watch this video below.
Unless, this kind of thing makes you cringe and grit your teeth, like me. Eesh.
So this means that the Rollins & Murphy — Akam & Rezar stable won't be a part of any major WWE storylines moving forward.
AOP coming off the air means that the WWE will need to rely on other talent to help fill time slots, which means that hungry Superstars looking for a break might have a greater opportunity to do so.
The recent slew of roster cuts saw some pretty high-profile talent removed from the organization, including Rusev, who was a part of one of 2019's biggest storylines. The Bulgarian Brute appeared to take the news in stride, being his usual laconic self on Twitter.
While the WWE is still churning out content, many sports organizations, especially those that rely on live attendance gates, are struggling to stay afloat with uncertain futures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic response.
The pro-wrestling community is also praying for Shad Gaspard.
The former WWE standout went missing recently while swimming at the Marina Del Rey beach in Venice Beach, California. He was about 150 feet or so from the shore when he was reportedly swept away, according to a lifeguard who had seen him last.
His wife, Siliana Gaspard, urged folks to keep an eye out for him and if he's spotted, to call 911 immediately or DM one of his family members.
LA County had recently reopened beaches, and two other swimmers, one of them a young boy, were caught in a rip current. The young boy was rescued, along with 451 other folks who required assistance while swimming in the ocean from the LA County Fire Department's Lifeguard branch.
Our thoughts are with Gaspard's family during this trying time.