Lorde Is Releasing a Third Album After Being MIA for Way Too Long and We're PSYCHED

Updated April 21 2020, 11:17 a.m. ET

Anyone with an affinity for sad pop music has been dying for musical goddess, Lorde, to return from the depths of Auckland, New Zealand. Since she released her second album Melodrama exactly two summers ago, the 22-year-old singer-songwriter has been MIA — she deleted most of her social media content, and hasn't updated fans on her whereabouts.
However, on Melodrama's two year anniversary on June 16, 2019, the pop kween re-emerged to Instagram Stories with some pretty massive updates.

Before getting down to business, Lorde thanked her loyal fans
Like the modest kween she is, Lorde took a moment to thank fans for loving Melodrama, and for appreciating it they way they did.
"Swells my damn heart thinking about your love for it and your willingness to go there with me and to dance the way we did together," she said in the Instagram Story, which was reposted by @popcrave. So down to earth, as usual.
What happened to Lorde? The singer explains...
Lorde apparently felt pretty empty and completely worn out after releasing her last album, Melodrama, according to her Instagram Story. Since then, however, she's grown up a bit, rested, and gotten more inspiration for writing her music.
"The day it came out I did a jigsaw puzzle all day in my hotel room in NY. I felt so emptied, I didn't really know yet that you could make a record and get filled up, and then releasing it empties you... and slowly fills you up again," Lorde explained in her Instagram Story. "I was such a baby making that work, lots of emotions and learning so much all the time."

If you're wondering what Lorde has been doing since her last album...
Since her last album release in June 2017 and her last Instagram post in April 2018, Lorde has been pretty busy.
She's traveled the world, been taking care of her pets and house plants, and learned to take care of herself, according to her Instagram Story. Sounds like time well-spent, if you ask me.
In terms of predictions for her new album...
Thus far, the pop singer hasn't released too much information about her "third one in the oven," but in an email Lorde wrote to her fans in November 2018, she dropped a few hints.
According to Independent.co.uk, Lorde disclosed that she had "been teaching [herself] how to play piano," and that "here and there little bits come out," in reference to having an album in the making.

"I think this next one will probably be born out of the piano in my house; me and my friends, keeping it simple," she said in the email, according to Independent.co.uk. "But we'll see." Aka Lorde is writing some bad-ass ballads as we speak.