Hot Girl Meg Thee Stallion Announced That She's Graduating From College in 2021

Published Oct. 26 2021, 12:44 p.m. ET

Resident hot girl Megan Thee Stallion is officially a hot girl scholar.
On Monday, Oct. 26, the award-winning rapper took to Instagram to let her 25.9 million followers know that she's graduating from college in 2021, sharing a few photos of her bejeweled graduation cap and teasing that more pictures are on the way.
"2021 finna graduate college, taking my graduation pics today," Meg announced. "I can’t wait for y’all to see."
Meg decorated her cap with her famous phrase, "Real Hot Girl S--t," which originated in her certified hit, "Hot Girl Summer," and has regularly appeared in her recent songs.
While many fans know her as a rap icon, she is strict about prioritizing her education. Now that she's about to graduate, let's see what she's studying and where she goes to college.

What is Meg Thee Stallion studying?
Megan Thee Stallion is pursuing a bachelor's degree in health administration. In 2020, Meg spoke with People about what inspired her to continue her education.
"I want to get my degree because I really want my mom to be proud," Megan said. "She saw me going to school before she passed." In 2019, her mother passed away after a battle with brain cancer. Megan also said she continued her education for her grandmother.
"I want my big mama to be proud. She saw me going to school before she passed," Megan said. "My grandmother that’s still alive used to be a teacher, so she’s on my butt about finishing school. I’m doing it for me, but I’m also doing it for the women in my family who made me who I am today."
Megan Thee Stallion grew up around independent, driven women. Meg says a lot of her strength and drive for a good life comes from her female family members, and that type of household encouraged her to follow in their footsteps. Today, she has already proven to be one of the most influential groundbreaking women in a male-dominated industry.
Where does Megan Thee Stallion go to college?
For the last few years, Meg has been taking online courses part-time at Texas Southern University. When she graduates and gets her well-earned degree, Megan let People know she plans to help fellow TSU classmates secure their first job post-graduation.

"I really wanted to be an administrator over [at] a hospital, but I knew I still wanted to be Megan Thee Stallion. I was like, 'What can I do?'" said the 26-year-old rapper. "I was like, 'You know what, I’m gonna open an assisted-living facility and use the money that I make from rapping to open it. Then I’m gonna let my classmates run it.'"
Megan hopes to inspire her fans to continue their education.
Meg is also an education advocate, inspiring millions of her fans and supporters worldwide to go to school. She told People, "If I am somebody's role model, I want them to take away that you can still go to school, you can still pursue your dreams, and you should still be you, no matter what the circumstances are."
If you're a recent college graduate or about to graduate college, do not be discouraged about the job search. Megan Thee Stallion urges you to look on the bright side: You got your college degree, and now you can live the life you want.
"You’re gonna get the job that you want eventually," Megan said. "You worked hard enough to complete school, so I know that you can work hard enough to complete whatever your next goal in life is.”