Sleuths Have Discovered the Enemy Jerry Is Talking About in His 'Comedians in Cars' Episode
Updated July 24 2019, 10:07 a.m. ET

Jerry Seinfeld is back on Netflix for another season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and one thing's for certain: the cars keep getting crazier. Over the course of several episodes with comedians like Matthew Broderick, Seth Rogen, and Eddie Murphy, Jerry strikes up conversations with the stars about their craft and struggles throughout the years.
All of this over a cup of joe and with the wind blowing in their hair as they cruise around in gorgeous vintage rides. There's very little to the show, thematically. Overall, it mainly consists of us watching famous people we love shoot the breeze.
This season, we've watched Jerry curiously bring up Bill Cosby several times, and also dish on a comedian he especially hates. But who is it? Read on to find out.

So, who does Jerry Seinfeld hate?
Over coffee, and later a tarot card reading in Tenafly, N.J. with one of the only two women he interviews this season, we watch as Jerry and Bridget Everett get into chatting about their past influences and performances that have stuck with them throughout their careers.
Bridget cites John Belushi on Saturday Night Live and Animal House as fundamental performances that stayed with her from childhood. "I just felt like, so electrified by him and really, really sad when he died." Then, there's an edit — fans speculate they moved on to talking about Robin Williams for a spell — followed by Bridget starting to tell a story.
"You know, I'm good friend with—," she begins, but the name she says is beeped and a black bar is added over her lips to obstruct lip readers from identifying her friend in question. That's when Jerry all but loses it about this friend and has less-than-pleasant words to say.
"I don't like him," he begins. "At all. At all. In fact, I have a particular feeling about him," he continues while Bridget is covering her head, trying to figure out where to hide, looking so uncomfortable about having mistakenly brought her friend into this conversation.

Jerry goes on, "I had kind of forgotten about him. And then there was a little article about him in the paper, and even in that, there was a veiled reference to his dislike of what I did." "He used to rail against me," he continues, "'cause they weren't as wild and dangerous as he was. 'Cause he sucked.'"
Jerry continues to roast him into oblivion. "Okay? He wasn't funny," he adds, while Bridget is visibly regretting bringing her friend up.
According to redditors, the comedian Jerry Seinfeld is talking about is Bobcat Goldthwait.
Reddit came to the rescue on this one and banded together to decide that the comedian in question was Bobcat Goldthwait. We can confirm, after rewatching both the clip at Café Angelique over coffee, and later during his mention at the tarot reading, that it certainly looks like Bridget is mouthing "Bobcat" over the black censor.
We hadn't much heard of Bobcat Goldthwait, but it seems like he's more of a behind-the-camera guy these days, and he's the one who directed Bridget's Love You More pilot. But it seems like their beef has been going on for a very long time. Back when Bobcat was on Arsenio in 1994, he spoke quite candidly about his thoughts on Jerry.

"I might as well do some Seinfeld, while I'm at it," he says in this video, while Arsenio cautions him not to touch the subject of Jerry, saying, "No, no, no, he's very popular, you don't want to do that." Bobcat goes on anyway: "He's the devil."
"He's a spooky, weird Scientologist guy banging teenage girls," he said, and although Arsenio stops him there, practically pinning him to the ground, Bobcat expanded on his sentiment in a later interview. "Here's this creepy Scientologist guy dating teenage girls, which I don't care about one way or another."
"What I find creepy," he said, "is that people are convinced he lives in that apartment, and those are his wacky friends. They don't like each other; they're actors paid to pretend they like Jerry Seinfeld. He's a weird guy. But everybody thinks he's normal and I'm weird."
Well, talk about going for the jugular! Reading what Bobcat has said about Jerry makes it feel a little bit more OK, we suppose, that Jerry just unleashed his feelings about Bobcat.
Comedians, they are just as salty as us! Stream Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on Netflix today.