Jake Paul Crashes Vidcon After Getting Banned From the Event

Updated Feb. 8 2021, 10:48 p.m. ET

Why is Jake Paul banned from VidCon? The event that was established to celebrate and promote vloggers all around the world doesn't seem to take too kindly to the Paul brothers, who have been known to cause pandemonium and havoc wherever they go, thanks to their throngs of 8th-grade fans around the world who find their antics admirable and entertaining.
Whenever it comes to VidCon and the Paul boys it seems like there's always some drama going on. Remember in 2017 when Logan Paul thought it'd be a good idea to crash the event even after he was banned, and took $3,000 cash and threw it up in the air, causing mayhem when visitors began scrambling for the money?
That little stunt got him tackled by what looked like security guards.
Who also could forget Jake's local news appearance when he became the bane of all his West Hollywood neighbors for constantly throwing parties and being a general nuisance on a day-to-day basis to film viral videos that racked up likes, views, and money on YouTube.
It seems like being banned from locations just runs in the brothers' blood at this point. A mom in this Scary Mommy blog post talks about how playing their videos are a no-no in her home. There have even been petitions to ban both men from YouTube, and that was even before Logan Paul's suicide forest disaster. Jake's older brother went into a Japanese forest where many people go to kill themselves and decided to shoot, edit, and upload footage of a dead body on his YouTube channel.
Because Jake and Logan seem to cause a ruckus wherever they go and have their brash, irreverent personas turned on 24/7, they're both banned from VidCon.
But that didn't stop Jake from crashing the stage, in spite of his leg injury to surprise to his girlfriend Tana Mongeau on-stage.

Many people have theorized that the couple's engagement is one that was completely made up in order to promote their respective YouTube channels — that there was no way these two click-hungry kids were actually going to tie the knot. The "evidence" that it was fake? The fact that the ring Jake used to pop the question is believed to be a $125 cubic zirconia, chump change for a dude worth some $11.5 million.
Here's where things start to get a bit confusing, however. If this is indeed an engagement play on both of their parts, then they're certainly going to some great lengths in order to fool the general public that they're both in love. So remember that whole bit about VidCon not welcoming either of the Paul brothers at their events?
Apparently, the conference doesn't mind them "crashing" the party...because they posted a video on their Twitter of Jake getting on stage to say what's up to Tana.
Was Jake ever actually banned from VidCon? Doesn't look like it.
Jake "crashed" VidCon right in the middle of a Q&A Tana was involved in and the two kissed and appeared absolutely smitten to be in one another's presence. What's got me and other people on the internet scratching their heads, however, is that Jake was given a microphone and wasn't escorted from the stage. Kind of weird behavior from a conference that apparently "banned" a YouTuber from attending their event.
What's also funny is that Tana herself was supposedly banned from VidCon, but was invited back in order to "squash a beef" apparently. The entire affair reeks of the conference and influencers working together in order to foment drama that gets more and more people clicking, but it's hard to know at this point. I fully expect in the next few months for an "explainer" video coming from both Jake and Tana revealing why they orchestrated such an elaborate prank.

What do you make of all of this? Is anyone ever really "banned" from VidCon? Doesn't seem like it.