Woman Hiker Makes Compelling Argument for Carrying a Gun on Her Trails

Published June 29 2023, 6:57 p.m. ET
Whether they're cisgendered, trans, straight, lesbian, or even just trying to buy some dang groceries, women will have stories about men trying to creep on them. Most women will have a story about men who prey on them and/or otherwise harass them at any given moment, making it nearly impossible for them to get things done without having to look over their shoulders. Folks will often downplay the struggle, they'd be shocked to realize just how much strife women go through regularly.
One of the worst instances, however, comes when women are preyed upon by men in the middle of nowhere with little recourse to avoid them. When it comes to Jezzika (@jezzikac on TikTok), she's a hiker with a startling amount of experience with creepy men. It's for that reason that she's elected to carry a gun with her while on her hikes, and it's helped her out on more than one occasion. She presents a shockingly compelling argument on why she carries her "pew pew" with her at all times when hiking.
A woman hiker explains why she's carrying a gun on her hikes.
While gun violence in the United States is a serious issue and more regulations ought to be put in place to protect folks from frequent mass shootings, Jezzika isn't playing around with her own firearm.
Whenever she goes hiking with her sister, she always makes sure to bring both animal repellent and her gun with her to deter both wild animals and predatory men respectively. Reportedly, she's had to use one more than the other, and spoiler alert, she's never had to use the spray.
"We've never had a bad interaction that we've needed anything like [animal repellent]," she claims.
Unfortunately, she's able to go into great detail about having to use the gun to ward off creepy men.
In one instance, Jezzika and her sister ran into two men while setting up camp during a hike. According to Jezzika, the men had hoped they were lesbians (for some reason) before learning that they were sisters.
Despite this, Jezzika and her sister ran into the same two men on a completely different trail over a year later and they still expressed interest in the women.
"My sister, not missing a beat, goes 'hey, you got that extra clip for my 9mm that I asked you to bring,'" Jezzika recalls.
The men immediately backed off upon learning they were packing.
In a completely separate instance, another man on their hiking trail tried inviting the two of them to dinner at his camp and wouldn't take no for an answer.
"He starts to walk toward us and almost [tried to] herd us toward his campsite," Jezzika regales.
As Jezzika recalls, her sister unzips her jacket to casually show off her gun, prompting the man to back off.
Folks in the comments praise Jezzika and her sister for their hiking preparedness, with many of them sympathizing with how annoying it must be for them to deal with unsolicited interactions from creepy men who won't leave them alone.
However, the takeaway here shouldn't be for women who deal with creepy men to go out and get guns. The lesson should be for men to ... stop being creepy? Gun or no gun?