A Woman’s House Mysteriously Turned Green and It Led Her to Discover Her Husband’s Affair
She was just looking for cleaning advice.

Published Jan. 24 2025, 1:02 p.m. ET
Depending on how "woo woo" you are, you may or may not think that the universe gives us signs or warnings about things we should be looking out for.
Chalk it up to cosmic interference, or just opening your eyes and using the powers of practical investigative reduction, but this one woman's story bridges the gap between two seemingly incongruous events.
It all started when Reddit user @mioraa started noticing that things in her house randomly started turning green. Her feet, which subsequently "stained [her] shoes and socks," were tinted with the hue. Even her pet cats weren't safe from cosplaying as the Grinch, and she provided photos for proof.
The green saturation extended to her couch, phone charger, and even her wall. She was baffled as to what could be the source of the color and first, feared for the worst, thinking that it could be mold.
Additionally, she thought that maybe the brand of laundry detergent she was using could've possibly been the culprit.
However, this didn't make sense at first because all of the clothes that she wore were unaffected. She further confirmed this with some experimentation. "I did a test wash and dry and it didn't stain my clothes until I wore them for a few hours around the house before it turned green."
Moreover, she provided other examples of the prevalent green staining that was occurring throughout her home. Which included linens (not just her pets), and a strange mark on her wall.
Commenters who responded to her r/cleaning sub post had a variety of different theories. One person speculated that maybe the streaks on her one white cat could hold the key to the stain's origins. They conjectured that maybe the cat had access to a part of the house that the other did not.

Subsequently, this kitty may've gotten into a substance or a dye that they then spread throughout the rest of the Redditor's home.
However, it turned out that one commenter who made a quip about Old Navy jeans held the key to what was really going on.
A person asked OP if they had purchased some "new jeans from Old Navy." Further adding, "lol they stain everything."
While this remark was innocuous enough, it was a follow-up one that led OP down to what she called a "spiral."
"Imagine this is how you discover he’s having an affair with some Old Navy-wearing woman, from the cat turning green!" they wrote.
OP joked that they said they were going to check their husband's bank statements to see if any purchases at the retailer were made, which could then possibly explain why there were dye stains all around the house.

Additionally, others said that all of the stains looked like they were the results of a "dark fabric" rubbing against some materials and were then transferred to other parts of the house.
In a follow-up post, OP said that she checked all of the Redditor's suggestions.
This included checking the water content of her home, follow up examining their air conditioning system to make sure nothing was emanating from there. She also had her home inspected for mold and thankfully the results came back negative. Ultimately, she tossed out her bedsheets and had her house's water supply softened.

However, none of these were the root issue. Upon seeing the joke made by a Redditor about her husband potentially cheating on her with someone who is wearing Old Navy jeans, this immediately raised alarm bells in OP's head. That's because she says that her significant other has cheated on her in the past and she was already suspecting he was having an affair.
The telltale signs were there: He was displaying "overall changes in behavior" and was working "last-minute overtime shifts." While she didn't spot any Old Navy purchases, she did say after going through his Instagram account she found some "sexy DMs from a woman who wears jeans."

OP said she then decided to take her cat and head on over to her parents house and has served her husband with divorce papers for cheating on her.
So if you're planning on cheating, make sure your sneaky link isn't wearing heavily dyed clothing. Or if you're seeing random colored splotches in your home, maybe go through your significant other's phone.