Science Has Proven That 'Harry Potter' Makes Kids Better Human Beings

Updated Oct. 26 2018, 8:35 p.m. ET

Reading's great for kids, we can all agree on that, right? Well, it turns out that some books excel at making kids better than others. At least, according to a group of scientists. And the recent findings are going to make a lot of smug potterheads even smugger.
Because a paper revealed that children who read Harry Potter are more likely to be open-minded and less prejudiced against minorities.

The paper analyzed three different groups of children, adolescents, and young adults: fifth graders, high schoolers, and college students. Thirty-four Italian students across these grades were then asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding immigrants and over the course of six weeks were asked to discuss certain passages from the books.
The students who identified with Harry "personally" had more favorable and tolerant views towards immigrants.
Detailed readings revealed that Harry's attitudes towards all people and creatures in his journeys were even-keeled and open-minded. People who identified with Harry seemed to embrace these same traits as well.
Ethnic groups weren't the only focus of the study, in fact, those who identified with Harry were also more tolerant of LGBTQ people as well.

The study also revealed some interesting information regarding adults. Grown-ups who identified less with Voldemort were also more tolerant of immigrants and minorities. Those who had greater sympathy for the Dark Lord, however, had harsher critiques against immigrants.
Ironically, people have criticized Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling in recent years over the franchise's lack of diversity and how she's attempting to remedy that now by revealing new details about the wizarding world — like her revelation that Dumbledore is, in fact, gay.
Either way, it appears science is telling us that if you want to raise a kid who's tolerant, then get them reading the Harry Potter books as soon as possible. (h/t elite daily)