Is 'Alaskan Bush People' Ending? Bear Brown Talks Future of the Wolfpack, Dad's Legacy, and More (EXCLUSIVE)
Published Nov. 4 2021, 12:46 p.m. ET

Season 13 of the popular series Alaskan Bush People has brought a lot of challenges to the Brown family. After a devastating wildfire swept through their Washington-based ranch, the Wolfpack is looking to rebuild the North Star Ranch and keep their dream of hunting for gold and living off the land alive.
However, in February 2020, patriarch Billy Brown sadly passed away, leaving the family to pick up the pieces and carry out Billy's legacy.
Distractify spoke exclusively (via email) with Alaskan Bush People star Bear Brown about what his father's legacy means to his family and if the show will possibly come to an end after losing their beloved Wolfpack leader.
Check out our Q&A below. (Editor's note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.)

'Alaskan Bush People': Bear Brown talks dad's legacy, show ending, and more.
Distractify: This season of Alaskan Bush People has been dedicated to your late father. What does your father’s legacy mean to your family?
Bear Brown: This season has been all about honoring Da. Da’s legacy was really his dream, but also a dream shared by all of us to have an actual self-sustainable home where we can provide our own food, water, electricity and it can be a secure home for generations to come.
That’s really what my dad wanted, to make sure us and the next generations would be set up with a self-sustainable home where we could live free. My dad stood for God, family, and freedom.
D: Have you and your family been watching this season back? If so, why or why not?
BB: I haven’t been watching the new season; I can’t right now, but I will one day! My mom and a couple [of] other family members are watching it though when they get the chance!

D: What is something that your father taught you that you hope to teach your own son?
BB: I think one of the main things that my dad taught me that I’d like to pass onto my son would be to be true to yourself, true to others, and true to God.
D: This season has certainly brought many hardships for you and your family. What will fans continue to see as this season progresses?
BB: Yes, it’s by far been the hardest season or thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. One thing you will get to see you though is how we continue to persevere even in our darkest time and stay together as the Wolfpack, and continue to build a truly self-sustainable home for the future.
D: The trailer has teased that some of your family longs for life back in Alaska. So, is your family continuing to build in Washington, or have the Browns officially returned to Alaska? Are you guys returning to Browntown?
BB: It was definitely nice getting to see Alaska again, and I think in my heart will always consider Alaska my home. We are continuing to build North Star Ranch, but I definitely wouldn’t rule out Alaska as a strong possibility. It's hard to say goodbye to Alaska for good, ya know?
D: Have you and your family thought about whether or not you would like to continue filming the series? Do you and your family have a final season date in mind?
BB: Final season in mind? Maybe when I’m like 99 on my deathbed, but then hopefully the show will continue with the next generation! That’d be pretty cool, a literal generational reality show, so a stopping date for me? Nope, as long as everyone enjoys watching it.
Alaskan Bush People airs Sundays at 8 p.m. EST on Discovery.