"I Know You're Lying!" — Woman Prank Calls Friend’s Sister for Job Reference to See How Far She’ll Go
"Would’ve called my friend immediately. 'Girl u not gettin that one.'"

Updated Nov. 15 2024, 3:14 p.m. ET
Since the dawn of the invention of the telephone, people have been making prank calls. There were probably tons of people, bored at home, who decided to play tricks on their operators hired to connect their calls to other lines in their area.
Heck, some prank callers became so notorious, that they ended up releasing entire comedy albums of their material, like The Jerky Boys, who even got their own movie based on their gags.
TikToker Cassandra Bowman (@cassandrabowman) decided to take her own prank-calling online, sharing the joy she's created with her gags with her followers on the popular social media platform.
In one video, she highlights a video that hits a bit more close to home. She enlisted the help of a friend's sister to see if the person would vouch for her as a reference. It's a timeless tactic — have a prospective employer call a friend of yours to see what you thought of their performance on the job.
Cassandra decided to up the ante and, while posing as the interviewer, wanted to see if the person's sister would show up and participate in some of the more egregious fibs she told pertaining to her job performance.
Cassandra begins her video with a text overlay that breaks down the action of the video. "Calling someone's sister as a job reference and seeing how far she'll go to defend the most insane lies."
She introduces herself as a representative of the company looking to hire Savannah, the woman's sister.
The first question was a layup, and Cassandra asks the woman how she thinks Savannah did "under [her] guidance." Savannah's sister doesn't disappoint, stating that she did a fantastic job. However, she then goes straight to changing the story around on the person on the other call.

Cassandra tells the person on the other line that Savannah says she was the "Chief Operations Officer of a mid-sized start up" and that her sister was the CEO. There's a slight pause before the woman on the phone immediately goes with it and agrees with this narrative.
Cassandra then says that the startup "was about biotech."
Savannah's sister immediately pivots, stating that she thought the interviewer was asking her about her own entrepreneurship, but then the woman immediately starts giving examples of their different biotech hair product samples.
At this point, Cassandra cuts her off and says that during her time at the company they were developing "medical devices."
This curveball seems to throw Savannah's sister off who asks Cassandra to "please hold," on the phone. Once back on the line, Cassandra says that she's a "bit confused" due to the nature of the work they did together.

"You worked at a biotech company, you worked at the polls, you worked at the theater, I'm just a little lost right now."
Savannah's sister then explains that they were working on transferring pills and medicine before Cassandra asks her point blank what the name of the company was.
"Were you silent or were you silenced?" Cassandra asks.
"Hold on," Savannah's sister replies.
"Girl what do you mean hold on? What do you mean? I feel like she's lying to me and I feel like you're lying to me," she says.
Savannah's sister vehemently denies this, to which Cassandra replies that if she was the CEO of the company how could she not know the name of it?
After a brief hold, Savannah's sister gives the name of the company, but Cassandra denies this as well and says that Savannah said it was actually called Star Cast.

At this point in their conversation, Savannah's sister says that she is unable to hear Cassandra, busting out a connection issue excuse. "I know d--n well you can hear me," Cassandra says before cutting straight to the chase.
"Bottom line is can you tell me right now: Is she lying to me?"
"No she's not," Savannah's sister replies.
"Did she intern at NASA or no? Tell me the d--n truth!"
"She did," Savannah's sister said.
Cassandra decides to flip that on Savannah's sister.
"Now I know you're a liar 'cause she didn't claim she worked at NASA. You're the one claiming that. I'm calling your c--p. I'm calling your bulls--t and I'm done with it," Cassandra says.
Savannah's sister protests and swears that she's not lying and adds that she doesn't appreciate the fact that she's speaking to her in such a manner.

Numerous people who responded to the video applauded Savannah's sister's efforts. Others said that they probably would've caved and admitted that their employee lied.
How would have you handled that situation? Would you have hung up the phone and called your friend/sibling to get their story straight before dealing with the prospective job interviewer?