Uber Driver Wouldn’t Stop Texting Female Passenger After Ride, Then Showed Up at Her House

Published June 13 2022, 4:51 p.m. ET

Unfortunately, you don't need to search that much online to find stories of harassment on rideshare services like Uber and Lyft. Some surveys indicate that a significant percentage of female passengers have expressed concern when requesting a ride, for fear of either being put in an uncomfortable position in having to reject someone's advances or fear being "reported" as a bad customer for refusing to give a driver their phone number.
That's not to say that all passengers are saints, either. There have been instances of riders attempting to "name scam" drivers, and then there was a highly publicized story of Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon caught on camera trashing an Uber driver's car in a fit of rage.
Uber has spoken about passenger safety in the past and has even allowed both riders and drivers to record their rides in an effort for added transparency and hopefully, peace of mind.
Something that one passenger recently said she initially had during a ride because her driver was giving off "grandpa vibes." However, she soon found herself in the middle of a real-life horror story. (FYI the post begins with an f-bomb so if you're watching this in public, maybe put on your headphones or turn down the media volume on your device.)
In a post captioned: "my scary uber driver story" it begins with a TikToker reading a tweet: "LADIES BE F***ING CAREFUL an uber driver that drove me to work about three weeks ago came to my job tonight. he asked the hosts for me BY NAME and they told this man that i was upstairs and let him straight to me."

She continued, "I don't know this man from adam but he remembered where i work." The video then cuts off and segues into @cvillainnn's post who shares a scary story of her own. "I have a similar Uber story of when I went to go and get my vaccine at a Safeway that was really far from my house."
"So this Safeway at the time was the only place that had vaccines available and I really wanted to get it over with but it was really far it was like on the edge of town. So I let the Uber driver know that because we were just making small talk and he offered to wait for me till I was done getting my vaccine because he said there were barely any Uber drivers that were in that area."

She went on, "I thought it made sense and I agreed and he didn't give me any red flags cause he was giving me like grandpa vibes cause he was a really old man. He asked for my number and told me to let him know when I was done and he would just bring the car around. I gave him my number I got the vaccine and then the lady that gave me the vaccine was like, "oh just wait here fifteen minutes in case there are any severe reactions of symptoms with your vaccine."

@Cvillainnn continued, "As I'm waiting there was like a knock on the door and it was my Uber driver and he was like, 'hey you haven't texted me I wanted to see if everything was OK.' I don't know up until this point I thought he was just being very nice and like grandfatherly so I didn't really think it was that creepy but it wasn't until I got this chill down my back on the way back to my house because my eyes started to get like really heavy and I started to get like really sleepy which I assumed was a symptom from the vaccine and he was like, 'oh you can take a nap.'"

"And like, I don't know why that creeped me out and like no I'm staying up."
After the interaction, she made it back home safely, but then received a text from the driver a couple of days later saying, "Good morning how's the vaccine?"
She said she didn't recognize the number then asked who it was, he told her and she said thanks for checking in and then "left it at that."

The driver kept texting her "periodically...day after day" and she never responded to his messages. Then she says around two weeks later while she was at her parents' house she got a call from her Uber driver who said he was downstairs in her building's lobby and he asked for her unit number and for her to buzz him in.

She then flat out asked him why he was at her house and he said he was "just checking in on" her. She then hung up the phone because she was "so creeped out." She then called the concierge at the building and instructed them not to let the guy into the building or give out any information about her, who said, "yeah, of course."

It wasn't until she arrived back home at her building that she then discovered the concierge had to "call the cops" on the Uber driver who kept insisting that he wanted to go inside her house because he wanted to see her. Even though the man was informed that she called and instructed them not to let him in as she didn't know him.

This apparently led to the Uber Driver freaking out and to "cause a scene in front of everyone at the lobby." The TikToker submitted a report regarding the driver to Uber and she says she "never heard" from the driver again.