Woman Says Male Instacart Driver Wouldn’t Pick Up Feminine Hygiene Products in Viral TikTok

Published March 13 2023, 9:35 a.m. ET

It's the kind of stuff you'd see in a typical '80's stand-up routine: guys who are afraid of tampons. The discomfort men feel around feminine hygiene products is something that's been discussed ad-nauseam, but there's probably a reason why so many comics use it as part of the jokes they tell: that's because there are plenty of dudes out there who want nothing to do with these products or even be seen anywhere near them.
And a recent TikTok posted by a user named Jenn (@jennyddp) is yet another example of this reaction that people have. She writes in a text overlay of the 5-second clip while looking into the camera: "This is what it sounded like in my head when the guy delivering my groceries straight up REFUSED to add the feminine hygiene products I ordered."
In the video, the sound of anguished and angry screaming can be heard as she stares blankly right past the lens. The text continues, "because he's a childish man who doesn't care that I literally NEED them. He was too 'embarrassed' to pick them up at the store"
There were a number of commenters who asked Jenn if she complained to the company she booked the delivery driver through, which she addressed in a follow-up video.
In the clip, she divulges that the driver was employed via Instacart and that she did in fact complain. She says that the app did get back to her and she shared the company's reply with her followers.
"I'm not very satisfied with their response to me. So this is the email I received," she pastes a screenshot of the message from Instacart as a green screen on her clip. Jenn didn't seem too happy with the fact that the customer service representative who replied to her concern was "another man."

"So I don't think he really truly understands how frustrating this situation is." Jenn then goes on to say that the Instacart service rep apologized for the inconvenience and he apologized she didn't have those items delivered to her. He adds that he's removed the local Instacart shopper from her orders, meaning that if she uses the service in the future, this shopper won't be able to retrieve items for her.

Jenn goes on to say that "this is not the point," and didn't appear satisfied with that course of action. The letter from Instacart ends with the service rep stating that he is open to hearing additional comments or concerns so that they can best help her with this issue.

"I'm not very happy with this response, they removed that guy from ever picking up my order again, which I wouldn't want this man to pick up my groceries ever again, but at the same time this is a pretty serious issue."

She highlighted other accessibility issues customers may have if they relied on an Instacart driver to deliver them certain products like toilet paper, or diapers, only for them not to be delivered by a driver.

She goes on to say that she's read comments from other TikTok users who've purportedly had similar issues with their own orders that included feminine hygiene products:

What do you think? Is this a serious issue and customers could have a serious case of discrimination on their hands? Or should folks just expect that private contractors for companies like Instacart and DoorDash are going to be unpredictable in their delivery methods and that's just the nature of doing business with applications such as these?