TikTokers Are Making Their Own Flavored Waters and We Just Got a Sugar Rush

Published April 10 2023, 8:44 p.m. ET

Another niche community has formed on TikTok and outsiders have some thoughts on it. Enter #watertok, where all the videos focus on water. Specifically, water with strong and colorful artificial flavoring.
Creators have been taking to the platform to discuss their favorite flavored water(s) as well as share their own hydrating concoction recipes. So, what types of water flavors can you expect? Brace yourself for a sugar rush.

TikTokers have been creating unique flavors on #watertok that take after desserts and/or popular candy.
If you dive into #watertok, you may see videos from a creator named Tonya, known as @takingmylifebackat42. She has shared multiple water flavoring tutorials on her page.
With flavors like "banana split" and "pink wedding cake," she is definitely speaking to those with a sweet tooth.
Torani syrups and flavored water packets are the main ingredients she uses to flavor her water.
But not everyone seemed too impressed with her mixology skills. "I think u made juice," said one user said in her comment section. "This is so insane to me, but you seem really happy," wrote another.

TikToker and teacher Keely Lindler (@keelylindler) has also hopped on the flavored water trend. In the video below, she debuts a new water flavoring combination she made using the Sonic Ocean Water packets and Nerds Strawberry water packets.
Both single-serve packets can be purchased in bulk from Amazon, where other flavors like Skittles Tropical and Sunkist exist.
Once again, users couldn't help but voice their thoughts on the idea of transforming your water like this. "Just wondering why do people have such a hard time drinking normal water," asked one user. Another wrote: "This is peak American."

TikToker questions whether flavored water can still technically be called water.
A TikToker named Michelle @michelleskidelsky shared her hot take on the flavored water trend. While she wasn't looking to make anyone feel bad about flavoring their water, she admitted that she initially thought users were simply mixing dietary supplements like Mio with their water for electrolytes and B vitamins.
But when she learned of the sugary slew of flavors that were being promoted, she couldn't help but think: Is that even still water?
"At what point is something no longer water? Like when do we stop calling a beverage water?, she asks, adding "To me, I feel like it's just not water at that point, especially since these drinks are like a deep cherry red flavor."
Michelle explained that while these drinks aren't quite juice, they're definitely beyond flavored water. Do you agree? Or are you here for the flavored water trend?