Hairstylist Records Altercation With Client Who Didn't Plan to Pay

Published Nov. 27 2023, 10:58 p.m. ET
Have you ever been somewhere in public, let's say on the subway, and someone was texting and you read the text exchange on their phone? If you answered no, then we don't believe you.
Sometimes it's pretty hard to even avoid the screen. Like at a hair salon for example. If you are the hairstylist, your client is sitting under you in a chair. If they're holding their phone and texting it's hard not to see what the screen says because you're already kind of looking that way.
This exact scenario happened to one hairstylist, but what she saw was actually about her or rather it involved her. She got the aftermath and altercation on video and posted it on TikTok for all to see.
We break down the video below.
This hairstylist had an altercation with a client after seeing their phone.
The video in question was posted by user @jusbonnie23, who goes by Bonnie. She's a hairstylist who has gone mega-viral with 23.7 million views, 2.2 million likes, and 4,900 comments.
The video shows footage of what looks to be the aftermath of a fight. The room is in complete disarray and furniture and other items have been tossed around.
We can see a makeup cart, a metal chair, a rolling chair, a bin, and a ring light thrown on the ground, as well as a broken chest of drawers. The writing on the video reads, "And This is Why I Choose Not To Look At My Clients Phone While I'm Doing Their Hair Cause I Know It Can Get Real Wicked Real Fast."
The people in the comments are trying to guess what happened, begging for a storytime with comments like, "WELL DONT LEAVE US HANGING …" and "I have so many questions."
The caption of the video reads, "But something just said look at that phone right quick." Some people guessed what was on the phone commenting, "nah I think she wasn't planning on paying and she called her out on it. that's my theory."
Luckily we didn't have to wait too long because Bonnie posted another video explaining the situation.
The follow-up TikTok also went viral with 2.2 million views, 177.2 thousand likes, and 1,764 comments. The video takes place in a car, but it's very dark so you can only really hear Bonnie's voice.
Bonnie starts by explaining that what she saw wasn't about a man, and she didn't see her client talking "s--- about her." If the latter had happened, she probably would have finished the service and just not let the client come back.
Bonnie says that what she saw was the client, "talking about running off and not paying me." The texts she saw even mentioned that she had done this before. After that Bonnie said that the client, "got [he]r a-- handed to [her]."
The people in the comments support Bonnie. One person even said, "Theft of services is a criminal offense punishable with up to a year in jail and up to a $2,500 fine."
We would have been very upset as well, Bonnie. You provide a service, you get paid for that service. At least you put her on blast for 23.7 million people and counting to see. And we all know that karma is a b----.