The Most Heartwarming 'How It Started vs. How It's Going' Posts

Updated Oct. 15 2020, 11:54 a.m. ET

If you're on the internet at all (which you are because you're reading this article), you've probably seen the "how it's going vs. how it's going / how it ended" meme. People post two pictures of themselves or their situations way back when and now to show their progression. Lots of people are posting jokey versions of the meme but
This adorable father-daughter post takes recreating childhood pictures to the next level. They're so cute and happy and on the same street for all three of them! You can just tell that his support and love has been a great foundation for her growing up.
Getting into Harvard is an enormous accomplishment, especially if you don't come from an "elite" or "legacy" background. Desmond followed up his viral tweet by saying, "This tweet is incomplete without acknowledging the many people who believed in me and made sacrifices to get me to where I am; my mom, dad, aunties and uncles, family, friends, teachers, college professors, even strangers. Long list. I have a responsibility to pass it on."
This seems like the plot of a young adult movie adaptation of a book written by John Green. But it's so much better than that because it's real life!
Look at these happy boys! They're absolutely perfect. It's amazing how small they once were and how much they've grown into their own little people in just a few short years. Life is a magical thing, man!
This young woman may have started out at middle school science fairs like the rest of us, but she clearly found what she loves to do and is totally killing it! I understand like, five of the words in the title of her recent presentation.
He worked so hard to accomplish his dream and he was still so young when he made it happen! Not everyone figures out what they want to do when they're so young, but if you do, this awesome kid is here to show you that it can be done.
This is the dream. We all talk about running away to a small town and running a bookstore. But this woman actually did it! And her store looks absolutely adorable.
Naomi Osaka went from a little kid to one of the best tennis players in the world in just a few short years. And she's not even 25 yet! She's got a long and exciting career ahead of her and I can't wait to see what she does next.
This is too cute. I love stories of couples who met when they were little kids and then either reconnected years later or just grew up together and dated the entire time. That's what you call true love!
What an amazing transformation! Darienne Lake (who was a finalist on RuPaul's Drag Race) wrote that it has taken almost two years to get to this point. That is some amazing dedication and commitment.
OK, I know this one is fake but Schmidt and Cece's love story from New Girl was planted from day one and it was a wild ride and that's just good writing. Plus, you can always watch this show when you're feeling down and it will make you feel better. So I'm counting this one.
Lil Nas X! He really became the most famous rapper in the world less than two years after he started rapping. Sure, some of it was luck, but a whole lot of it was talent and hard work.
Jamal accidentally ended up in a group chat with Wanda's family when she was planning Thanksgiving years ago. Now, they spend every Thanksgiving together and have become lifelong friends. This is one of my all-time favorite viral stories. It's just the best!