You'll Want to Swap Between Heroes in 'Gotham Knights' — Here's How

Published Oct. 21 2022, 5:01 p.m. ET

So Batman may be dead, but the Bat Family lives on to fight the crime that plagues the streets of Gotham in Gotham Knights. Some of the iconic heroes from the comic franchise get their chance to shine in Gotham Knights, giving players new sets of skills to explore and master in this video game.
Once you choose what character you want to start your journey with, some believe you're stuck with them until the very end. Here's how to switch what character you're playing as in Gotham Knights.

Can you switch characters mid-playthrough in 'Gotham Knights'?
Throughout the game, you'll be able to play as one of the four characters who make up the Gotham Knights: Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, and Red Hood. You can only leave on a mission as one specific character, but can you change partway through the game?
Thankfully, it's incredibly easy to change characters, though you won't be able to do so while you're out on a mission. If you're playing as Batgirl, for example, and you want to take on a mission as Nightwing, you'll have to return to Belfry.
This is the home base for the game. Head to the cases of superhero sits that are located next to the Bat Computer. Here you can change which character you're playing as.
While the game makes it seem as though you have to stick to one character throughout your entire playthrough, the points you earn as you play transfer to the whole Bat Family. This means that no matter how many skill points you've spent upgrading one character's attributes, none of your characters will be weaker.
When you change your character selection, you can go back and use whatever skill points you've earned to upgrade that character before taking them on a mission. This is a great way to ensure that you're not under-leveled whenever you want to change heroes.
You certainly can complete the entire game without ever-changing characters — though given that the game has four different heroes to choose from, all with different skills, you'll want to test them all out.