Wes Might Still Be Alive on 'How to Get Away With Murder' (SPOILERS!)

Updated Nov. 22 2019, 5:26 p.m. ET

The mid-season finale of How to Get Away With Murder just aired — and wow — what an episode. Aside from all the other bombshells that occurred in the first half of this season, we also got one really surprising appearance from a member we thought was gone for good.
If you haven't watched the season finale yet — or any of season 6 — where have you been? But seriously, stop reading now because there are SPOILERS ahead.
The most shocking part of the season finale was probably Wes. Yes — you read that right — Wes. The man we all thought was dead is... not?
In the episode, at Annalise Keating's funeral, they introduce him as someone "who has known Annalise for a long time." The whole scene left everyone wondering: is Wes actually still alive?

Wes supposedly died in season 3.
We thought we had seen the last of Wes alive at the end of season 3. Annalise's house had caught fire, and we knew one of the Keating 5 was inside. Throughout the first half of the next season, we slowly pieced together who it was, as each member of the Keating 5 made their own appearance... until we finally saw Wes' face being zipped up in the body bag.
So that's it, right? We see Wes being carted off to the morgue and that's supposedly the end of his time on the show. Until it wasn't.
The plot was already thick with trying to figure out who killed Wes, since the medical examiner had determined that Wes was dead before the fire and Annalise was currently the main suspect.
Wes' loss was felt by the whole cast — which is what made it feel so real. But was it all a lie?

Annalise's funeral isn't new — but Wes is.
Fans of the show will have seen this scene of Annalise's funeral a few times. The creators of the show have been hinting at her death since the beginning of the season with the hashtag #WhoKilledAnnalise. But fans were skeptical as to whether Annalise would actually be murdered or if she would just fake her own death.
See, the FBI has been on Annalise's tail for a while, both for her own crimes and the crimes of the Keating 4. What better excuse for not testifying in court than being dead?
Her funeral has been alluded to in previous episodes — we knew this was coming, whether her death was real or not. But this time, the scene added Wes to the picture, potentially bringing him back to the cast.
Did Wes kill Annalise?
That we don't have an answer to yet, but the creators are definitely hinting at it. In a tweet by Pete Nowalk, one of the creators of the show, he insinuated that it might be Wes.
"Told ya the brains would hurt," he tweeted. "Hang tight until April 2nd where this crazy train will be speeding to an epic, upsetting, mind-exploding series finale. #HTGAWM #WhoKilledAnnalise #WasItHim"
Maybe Annalise will actually be gone for good, and maybe Wes will be the one behind it.