'Flipping Out' Star Jeff Lewis Reveals Reason He Split With Boyfriend Scott Anderson
Updated May 5 2020, 6:12 p.m. ET

It's over.
Flipping Out star Jeff Lewis announced that he and boyfriend of one year Scott Anderson have officially ended their relationship. The 50-year-old revealed the break up news on his SiriusXM radio show Jeff Lewis Live, saying that the past eight weeks have been "rough."
"He's had a lot of anxiety, a lot of frustration, and it got to a point where I felt that he was hyper-critical of me," the reality star said. "It was a lot of negativity and always complaining."
The former couple initially started dating in March 2019 and officially went public with their romance via Instagram that August. That month, the Bravo star told pal Andy Cohen that he would even consider marrying his then-boyfriend. So, what went wrong?

Jeff Lewis details his breakup with Scott Anderson.
Jeff wasn't afraid to explain the messy parts of his relationship, detailing both the good and the bad on his podcast. "I feel like I worked very hard in the relationship. I felt like I was very good to him," he said. "Look. I'll be honest. Sometimes he bugs the s--t out of me. But the positive always outweighs the negative. So I look past things and I let them go."
However, perhaps social distancing started to affect their relationship amid the current coronavirus pandemic (also known as COVID-19). Jeff explained, "It's been like weeks of negativity, and I found that it just started wearing on me. And he just stopped communicating. So then I could feel him next to me, just angry, pouting, seething, resenting me."

Ultimately, Scott allegedly told Jeff that the two should end their relationship. The Bravo star recalled, "It was his idea to break up, which I then agreed because I was just very, very frustrated." Adding, "There was just a real lack of communication with us. We speak two different languages ... And for me, I need more affirmation and acknowledgement and those kinds of things once in awhile. The beating me up and the hypercriticism, it just became suffocating to me."
Though the two had their ups and downs, previously splitting for a short-time in last June, the couple ultimately reconciled and started attending couples counseling. However, the two eventually stopped attending the meetings, which Jeff revealed is his one regret.
"The one thing that I do regret is that he had said, 'I think we should talk to [a therapist]. And I said, 'I really am kind of done working on this,'" Jeff said on his show Jeff Lewis Live. "That is my one regret."
Before dating Scott, Jeff was in a decade-long relationship with Gage Edward, which ended in January 2019. Their tumultuous relationship currently has the two men embroiled in a custody battle over their 3-year-old daughter Monroe.
To hear more inside Jeff's personal life, catch his series Jeff Lewis Live airing weekdays at 12 p.m. ET) on SiriusXM's Radio Andy (Ch. 102).