Man Gets "Nepo Baby Manager" Fired After They Wouldn't Allow Him Paternity Leave

Updated April 27 2023, 9:19 a.m. ET

Entitled, silver-spoon d-bags and d-baguettes are infuriating to deal with. It's easy to want to mush the face of someone who complains about their problems and otherwise gets a "free ride" through life when you've had to claw you way into having any sort of savings or life of your own.
The man who popularized boxing in America, Jack Dempsey, purportedly said that when he fell on hard times he'd have taken a hammer to the face for five dollars, and the only people who could ever understand that are those who haven't had anything to eat for two days.
But there are folks who are given sinecure positions, maybe from their parents, like this 22-year-old manager who denied a Redditor's husband paternity leave. User @graveyardpixy uploaded a story to the social media site's maliciouscompliance sub to share a story about how her husband decided to get back at the "Nepo Baby" manager who denied him his PTO.

Here's what happened: OP's husband worked overnight shifts at one of the largest supermarket chains in America. When OP was about six months pregnant, her husband asked their manager, Mr. Nepo Baby if he could use his available week of vacation before paternity leave so he could stay with his wife throughout labor and spend the first few weeks of the baby's life at home.

She says that the manager, who had an affinity for calling his truck his "baby" initially approved the request, however, he ultimately back tracked after another employee who had seniority over her husband had to take time off for surgery.

While they were bummed out to hear that for that first week of September he couldn't put in for his vacation, OP's hubby decided to put in for the second week of September. That was denied. As was the third week, of the month as well, but was told he wouldn't be able to take either his week vacation or PTO until October.

At this point, they just decided that the 22-year-old manager, who was the son of the store's boss, needed to be dealt with in a special way. So they devised a plan with some co-workers who didn't feel like the young boss was being fair to OP's husband. Multiple people across multiple shifts decided to get in on this plot.

It's worth mentioning that all of this started months before his wife was scheduled to give birth, and the employee was able to get their vacation time and PTO approved from October 1st until November 9th, giving him more than a month and a week off to spend time with his newborn baby.

The reason why he was able to get forty consecutive days off in addition to his PTO days was because he had accrued not one, but three weeks of vacation on the job. Since he had already gotten approval from another manager, and the 22-year-old had no clue he had extra time, all they had to do was wait.

Well once October rolled around and OP's husband used up all of the PTO time the manager thought he was going to use, he received a call from said manager asking why they didn't come to work. The grocery store employee informed their young boss that they had gotten their time pre-approved from two separate managers.

The Nepo Baby boss was stunned to hear this information and proceeded to hang up the phone to look into the matter. They said they would've never approved the time so he needed to come into work, but he said that he had put in for the time since July and two other managers had already approved it.

Over the next several days the young manager kept trying every which way to get OP's husband to come into work. They'd call the house several times to see if they could come in, but was rebuffed every time. OP's husband even double-checked to make sure that he was in the clear for taking the time off with his union rep, and he confirmed that he had done everything right.

It was around this time that OP had discovered the 22-year-old was a "nepo baby" which was a wild departure from the story he told everyone of how he got to become a manager after he started working at the business as a cashier and then worked his way up.

The caused a lot of resentment between him and his co-workers and OP got the inkling that the reason why he was so insistent on bringing her husband back to work was that he was being forced to cover the overnight shifts her husband was on vacation for.

She learned that he was actually the son of the chain's District Manager who ended up getting him the job and he used his daddy's connections to, according to OP, perform his job rather poorly as he would usually just hide out in his office all day.
Around the time November 1st rolled around, the 22-year-old manager couldn't take OP's husband being out any longer even though he was entitled to staying out until November 10th.

That's when the manager tried to force OP to come into work by retroactively deciding what PTO was being used for. This was reported to OP's union rep and before the end of January in the following year, that manager was ultimately replaced.

Have you ever had to deal with a manager who seemed to make it their mission to make your life difficult?