Parents Share Hilarious Pictures of What It's Like to Quarantine With Kids

Updated March 30 2020, 1:26 p.m. ET

If you're a parent, I feel for you. We're all sheltering at home during this devastating COVID-19 pandemic, but for parents, the struggle we're all feeling is supplemented with a constant stream of small, needy humans who don't understand that you may be home, but you still have to work. Parents have started sharing pictures of what their lives look like while they're quarantined with kids, and let me tell you, it's not pretty. It is very, very funny, though.
This is Ben's journal entry after being home-schooled for *one* day.
"I'm telling you it is not going good." Oh boy. This is going to be a very long lockdown for Ben and his mom if this is how they're feeling after the first day. It's kind of absurd that parents are now expected to teach their kids at home considering they probably have their own jobs and they're not teachers, a profession you usually have to go to grad school to get certified to do.
I don't envy Ben's mom, and I'm sure she's doing the best that she can, but my goodness, let's give parents a break here.
Someone saw this in their neighbor's driveway.
You know cries for help? This is certainly one of them. Think about how much time it took to write and color in those giant letters. This person isn't kidding around. They need to be saved.
Here's a hint: Don't leave your kid alone with a can of paint.
I cannot get over this video. Chloe really did that, y'all. At least we know that mom Clare won't be bored for one second during quarantine. She'll literally be spending the entire time cleaning white paint off of her floor...and her child.
Toilet paper is not a toy.
But this toddler doesn't quite grasp that concept. While the rest of the world is coveting every square of TP, this kid ruined four whole rolls in the span of a couple seconds. That takes talent.
Speaking of ruining things with water...
This little girl thought she'd make a cute little table out of her parent's laptop and then use the shower to pour water into the cups. I really hope her parents have a huge stash of rice because that computer is going to need it. STAT.
This mom set up a whole store in her home kitchen.
Her son can earn "money" by performing chores or doing responsible activities like exercise and reading. Then, he can spend that money on screen time and snacks. For a specific kind of kid, I bet this works really well. If I was him, I'd bank all my bucks and then take all my snacks to eat in front of the TV while I watch a movie.
Sometimes, you want to go for a swim.
And you choose the toilet. Hey, at least she didn't ruin the toilet paper, right? Stick her in the shower and clean her off, and she's good as new. Although it is important that she knows that toilet swims can't become a regular thing.
This kid wrote on the tablecloth in marker.
But he was sly. He wrote his dad's name, thinking that their mom would believe that he did it. Unless his dad has the handwriting of a toddler, I don't think mom was fooled.
This family's entire living space has been transformed into a fort.
Honestly, forts are the best, and even if you don't have children, I highly recommend. My husband and I regularly build forts, and we are two childless people in their early 30s. It's the best.
You're literally not going anywhere. Might as well make your living space the coziest you possibly can, right?
This poor mom is trying to work, but check her background.
She writes, "Try working with a 4-year-old dressed like Spider-Man perched on the kitchen table behind you whispering, 'Can you hear me breathe?' Day six." Yikes. We're all having a hard enough time getting work and chores done as it is without scary Spider-Man children. Parents are heroes. Every last one of them.
The best way to prevent contracting or spreading coronavirus is with thorough hand washing and social distancing. If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, which include persistent cough (usually dry), fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue, please call your doctor before going to get tested. For comprehensive resources and updates, visit the CDC website. If you are experiencing anxiety about the virus, seek out mental health support from your provider or visit