Woman's "Sad" Pizza Hut Order Has People Asking How It Was Even Served to Customers

Published April 3 2023, 10:59 a.m. ET

If you're in the business of researching pizza-memes, then you're probably more than well-acquainted with the Dominos joke pie: none pizza with left beef.
The descriptive name sums up the experience: it's just toasted bread with a few chunks of beef just on the left side of the pizza. There's something about the image that has captured the hearts and minds of folks on the internet for whatever reason.
The thing about none pizza with left beef, however, is that the pie was intentionally ordered that way as a joke to see if Domino's would actually go through with making it.
This seems to be the opposite case with this Pizza Hut order from a customer who was left flabbergasted with the state of the slices they received in an order from the popular chain.
A TikToker by the name of Sidney (@babysyd_xox) uploaded a viral TikTok clip showing off her Pizza Hut haul, which appears to be a Big Dinner box combo which consists of an order of wings, bread sticks, and two pizzas. However, one of the pizza pies, which appears to be a Sicilian Style deep dish, looks...off.
Syndey zooms in on the dry pieces of bread topped with pieces of pepperoni, some of which look overly dry/toasted themselves and of a darker color than the other pepperonis. She says in the clip, "I know Pizza Hut didn't box this up and send it home. What in the f*** even is that?" she asks after scanning over the other items in the box.

Someone can be heard talking on the phone, saying that they had just come in, presumably it was someone dining at home with Sydney who was calling Pizza Hut to complain about the order.

She writes in a caption for the video: "I know pizza hut joking right now...you really put this in a box and sent it home with someone?"
The pie appears to be devoid of sauce and cheese, or does it have cheese on it and has just been cooked so thoroughly that it turned into mere bumps on the bread, causing a father-of-Robert-the-Bruce-from-Braveheart-face-effect?

One TikToker who saw the post commented that the assortment of slices "looks like a whole bunch of leftover corner pieces." Sydney responded, doubling down on her incredulity that Pizza Hut would actually serve up a pie like this to its customers: "They really took it out of the oven and cut it that's the part that kills me."

Another TikToker, who says that they worked at Pizza Hut knew exactly what went wrong with the pie, however, they didn't provide a follow-up explanation: "posts like these are so funny to me because I used to work at pizza hut and know exactly where they went wrong step by step and it's bad"

Someone else who said they worked at Pizza Hut explained what they thought was wrong with the pie: it's that it wasn't a pie at all, but could've been an instance where they ran out of deep dish Sicilian style pizzas and instead tried to substitute it with breadsticks.

"I worked there before. That's the breadsticks lazily modified to a pizza, which am guessing they ran out of pan pizzas."
Someone else simply remarked the the order looked "like leftovers" while others said that the food doesn't even have the same appearance as Pizza Hut food.

"It doesn't even look like it came from pizza hut. The chicken wings are in a bowl that pizza hut doesn't even use"
What do you think went wrong with the order? Have you ever received a fast food pizza that looked like it was left on Mars for a bit and then traveled through the atmosphere and landed in a cardboard box?