This Pop Star Is Desperately Seeking His Fifth (and Hopefully Last) Nose Job on 'Botched'

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 4:43 p.m. ET

The Botched doctors, Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow, are miracle workers with the way they're able to take people with plastic-surgery-gone-wrong stories and turn them into success stories with corrective procedures. The compelling E! show is currently airing its sixth season — and we thought we had seen everything.
Lebanese singer Sammy is on Botched to get his fifth nose job after multiple surgeons steered him wrong (and even put foreign materials in his nose). Can Doctors Nassif and Dubrow fix it once and for all? Read on to find out what Sammy said about breaking his nose in the first place and the reason why multiple doctors weren't able to fix it the way he wanted.

Who is the Lebanese singer Sammy on Botched?
During his intro clip, Sammy detailed how he came to America from Lebanon decades earlier with hopes of becoming a star. He got into singing when he lived in Los Angeles, and his career took off when he performed one of his singles at a festival in Chile.
"I became famous overnight," he said in the clip. "I had the time of my life."
He then described how his nose resembled baklava (and now we can't unsee that) and he sat down with friend Ulf to talk about his nose job journey.
"I was 25 when I went to visit Lebanon during the summer," he continued. "And I had an accident. My face smashed into the wall. I went and saw a plastic surgeon. He said he had to break my nose to straighten it, and suggested that to build the bridge outwards, to put a firm material called Gore-Tex in. So I went under, and a week later, when he removed the plaster, I had a beautiful, gorgeous nose."

Of course, things didn't stay this way, since Sammy is clearly seeking the help of the Botched doctors. He went on to describe how the Gore-Tex appeared to melt when Sammy would get his nose hairs waxed, and it left his nose almost flattened. The substance actually began sticking out of his nose a few days after he got the nose hair waxed.
Sammy said his nose became infected. He then went to seek other plastic surgeons' help, and he got three subsequent nose jobs. None of the nose jobs fixed the appearance of his nose to resemble how it looked before, and he noted that his nose is as hard as a rock.
One doctor told Sammy that his nose was unfixable.
Sammy first sought his fifth nose job back in 2008, when he went to see an LA doctor about doing another procedure. The doctor told Sammy that "he couldn't do anything." Over 11 years later, Sammy is trying one last time with the Botched doctors, who he hopes can fix his small and shapeless nose.
"I would love to breathe better and for my nose to look better," Sammy concluded in the clip. We hope it works out for the singer and that the fifth time's the charm in this case!
Botched airs on Mondays at 10 p.m. on E!