According to TikTok, This Is the Exact Date the World Collapses

Updated June 24 2020, 6:56 p.m. ET

If you already have severe anxiety about the current state of the world, you might not want to read this. But if you’re curious why people are talking about what happens on January 12, 2021 and where they’re getting that date from, here’s a little bit of backstory. It involves TikTok, obviously.
What exactly happens on January 12, 2021?
According to @2028man (“The Messenger”), something major will happen on January 12 of next year. @2028man, who created his account a couple days ago, claims he’s from the future (2028, hence his name) and is here to warn us about some of the terrible things that are about to happen. Since 2020 is already a pile of charred garbage, listening to predictions of a terrifying future from a guy who claims he’s a time traveler isn’t really all that questionable. Of course the future is going to be a disaster; look around you.
“I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be here, it’s not really up to me. But for those of you who are listening, mark this date on your calendar: January 12, 2021. You’ll learn more about it soon,” @2028man says in one of his TikToks. He’s yet to elaborate — maybe he’s strategically waiting for his following to grow before he gives us the bad news. Currently, @2028man has just over 142,000 followers.
People on Twitter seem to think that January 12, 2021 is when either half the population dies, or 90 percent. Twitter users claim @2028man and his rival @2029man (also from the future, but seems more troll-esque) have both stated January 12, 2021 is the day bad things happen, but there’s currently no evidence of that on their TikTok pages (it’s also possible these claims were made during live streams).
We’re gonna go on a limb here and say both @2028man and @2029man are probably not from the future, but we give them props for their creativity. Monetizing off the world’s collective stress and anxiety is an interesting path, but it’s not like they’re the first to do it. We’re not time travelers, but we’re going to assume that we’ll all probably be OK after January 12, 2021.