'Tunic' Is Way More Difficult Than It Looks, but Getting the Sword Definitely Helps

Published March 25 2022, 2:50 p.m. ET

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And while the game Tunic may look like a Zelda imitation, its battle mechanics reminds you that it's not. Finding the sword in the game can help with that. Here's where to find the sword in Tunic.
Here's where to find the sword in 'Tunic.'
You begin the game with a stick, which doesn't really do that much damage to enemies because, well, it's a stick. Traveling from dungeon to dungeon fighting off baddies will feel kind of silly with just a stick after a while, so how do you get your hands on some trusty steel to smite villains, collect coins, and complete your quest?

After equipping yourself with the stick from the cave, go up the steps. A locked door will be on your right, which you'll unlock with a key later on.
Go up another set of stairs until you cross a bridge to your left (or west if you want to get all geographical). You'll find a key on the ground. Grab it and then head back to the dungeon door.
Once inside, you'll walk through the cave some more, and you'll have to climb a set of ladders and stairs until you ultimately have to head north. There are baddies that you can thwack with a stick if you should choose to do so, but you can sprint through all of this until you get to the sword.
Once you've made it through all of the ladders and staircases, you'll want to head right (east), and you'll come across a sign that points to the direction of the East Forest. This is where you're going to find the East Bell and the sword.
Here, there are lots of bad guys, and you'll probably die a few times on your way through this treacherous path, but there are plenty of bonfires (at which you'll respawn). This could be a good time to brush up on combat mechanics and manage your stamina meter for dodges/rolls and figure out when to time attacks so they don't deplete your stamina.
Fight (or sprint) your way to the right portion of this room, where you'll see a ladder. Climb down it. You'll see a set of outdoor steps. Walk down those and keep heading toward your right, and you'll see yet another sign beside a building that reads: "Hero's Grave."
This is where our sword is located, but it wouldn't be a video game if it was easy to access. A closed gate will bar your entry. So you'll have to go around the sign. You'll see another area that reads, "Path to Hero's Grave," but you won't be able to pass through it; you'll have to go around on some steps.
You'll spot a bad guy with a sword that you're probably going to want to run away from. You can do this by hugging the right side, where there are a ton of bushes. Coincidentally, this is where you should be heading. Go on the path ahead and move forward.
Traverse two other sets of stairs and ignore the chest. (It's locked and you won't be able to access it until you have your sword.)
Head right and go down yet another ladder that will take you to a lever. Pulling this will lift up the gate that was blocking the "Path to the Hero's Grave." Head back the way you came.
Get to the "Path to the Hero's Grave" after wading through some grass and open the chest at the very end of it. Boom, you've got a sword! Equip that bad boy and start hacking away at enemies (and bushes). If you want, you can also watch the video walk-through below, which gives you a clear visual on how to get the sword in Tunic.