People Can't Stop Roasting This Expensive "Toilet Tank" Purse

Updated April 20 2021, 10:34 a.m. ET

One proud new owner of a purse was so excited about her new bag that she uploaded a video of it to Snapchat to let everyone know about the great deal she got on it.
But judging from the response that not only her Snapchat followers but now a ton of people on Twitter are giving her newest item, she's probably not such a proud owner anymore.
We've all been in a position where we got a new and exciting fashion that the rest of the world found hideous. For me, it was my yellowish/orange and black Nike Air Kukinis. I have a size thirteen foot, so, when I finally donned the running sneakers that I used for, well, just about everything, I looked like I was sauntering around with a bunch of rotten bananas attached to my ankles. Not a good look. And people were sure to roast me appropriately for them.
It's especially embarrassing when you dump a sizable amount of money into that item and somehow convinced yourself that it was worth it at the end of the day. That may have been this woman's deal when she uploaded her video to Snapchat.
Twitter user @ma1only recorded the video and shared it with the rest of Twitter saying that she thought the purse cost her no more than $3.50. And honestly, she's right. That thing looks like someone took a used needle receptacle from a NJ Turnpike rest stop, looped a cord around it, and just said, "here, look, it's fashion!"
In addition to wide-ranging descriptions of what they thought the purse looked like, people also disclosed what they would and wouldn't be willing to pay for it. One user even mentioned that it looked like a "shower basket" and they wouldn't gift that thing to their worst enemy.
I'd argue against that, personally. If my enemy did have a bag, I'd want it to be see-through so I can tell whether they've got any weapons. Just saying.

It looks like all of the mean comments finally got to her, because she removed her post from Snapchat. This made people feel bad and stop piling on her poor purchasing decision because the internet is a very forgiving place.

Just kidding. They dug into her even deeper and came up with some truly wonderful roasts. Here they are for your reading pleasure. I don't know about you, but I absolutely love it when overpriced crap masquerading as "high fashion" is reduced to the bottom-barrel, cheap nonsense it is.

And in case you think this person made the bag themselves and was either trolling or trying to drum up some "test marketing" on social media, someone actually found the same bag online and couldn't believe it was the price the woman said it was.
Wow. She would've been better off rocking one of those reusable canvas grocery bags.