'Dragon Ball Super' Is Finally Back With a Teaser for a New Movie and a Projected Release

Published Oct. 8 2021, 4:37 p.m. ET

It seems like forever since Dragon Ball anything has been on our Dragon Radars, but we finally have more details on its epic return with the teaser for the upcoming film: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. This marks the first Dragon Ball theatrical project since the Broly movie in 2018.
The film was officially announced on May 5, 2021 (which is "Goku Day" for Dragon Ball fans). Series creator Akira Toriyama is heavily involved in the upcoming film project and he encourages fans to look forward to some new surprises.
More information on the movie was unveiled on Oct. 7 during New York Comic Con 2021, including a general release date!
When will fans in the U.S. be able to see it?

When is the release date for the new 'Dragon Ball Super' movie?
The 49-second teaser is light on specific plot details, but it does offer a brief glimpse into the story. The teaser forbodes "an evil organization moving in the shadows," one that is apparently keeping tabs on the likes of Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z-Fighters. The clip also shows off several unfamiliar characters, with some even sporting "Red Ribbon" logos on their uniforms. As a departure from the franchise's traditional 2D animation, the movie also has a distinct CG aesthetic.
Of course, plenty of the main cast will still make appearances. The teaser prominently features main protagonist Son Goku, ready to throw hands at a moment's notice. The Namekian Piccolo is also shown taking on a mysterious unknown assailant. In a surprise appearance, Goku's granddaughter Pan will also show up in the movie. Following in the footsteps of the warriors in her bloodline, she is already undergoing some sort of training despite her young age.
Though they didn't show up in the teaser itself, other classic characters have official designs for their movie appearances. Dende will be featured in the film, having grown in age since his previous appearances in the show. Bulma isn't far behind either, sporting her new Capsule Corp work gear.
The release date isn't too far behind.
During the Q&A portion of the Dragon Ball Super panel, executive producer Aki Iyoku and producer Norihiro Hayashida answered plenty of burning questions about the film, including the release date.
The film takes place canonically after the Broly movie, but before the 28th World Tournament.
As for the release date, the movie is set to come out in 2022 in Japan. The teaser alluded to an eventual global release, but also stated that release dates may vary between different territories.
Fortunately enough, Hayashida intends to make sure that international Dragon Ball fans won't have to wait much longer after the Japanese release to see it.
"We're still under negotiation for the date for the U.S.," Hayashida told fans during the panel. "However, I really wish to launch it as close [to the] date [of the] Japanese release [as possible]."