Trying to Beat Sierra in 'Pokémon GO'? We've Got You Covered

Published April 1 2022, 3:34 p.m. ET

Let's be honest with ourselves here: Pokémon GO is still really, really great. The nearly three-decade-old franchise is still finding new ways to reinvent itself constantly, and Pokémon GO, their revolutionary augmented reality title, is at the forefront of the latest in gaming technology. The title still attracts tons of users regularly, and there is certainly a lot going on in the game right now.
In the grand scheme of Pokémon GO's storyline, there are a few challenges players must overcome that are significantly harder than others. One of those challenges is battling and defeating Sierra, a task that has stumped many avid Pokémon GO players. So, how do you actually beat Sierra? Is it even possible? Keep reading to find out the best way to go about doing it.

It is possible to beat Sierra in 'Pokémon GO.' It's just difficult.
Thanks to the fact that Sierra is a fixed element in the storyline of the game and not a random online player, her Pokémon lineup choices are easily predicted. To start, Sierra will use Shadow Poliwag as her first Pokémon. After that, her second draw will either be Shadow Sharpedo, Shadow Lapras, or Shadow Exeggutor. The third time around, she could pull out either Swampert, Shiftry, or Shadow Houndoom.
To learn how to defeat Sierra, you must learn how to defeat each of her Pokémon.
When Sierra draws Shadow Poliwag, take the early moments of the fight to take down as many shields as you can. Shadow Poliwag is far from the most formidable opponent of the battle and can likely be defeated with a bunch of normal attacks.
Shadow Sharpedo is a water and dark type Pokémon known for its low stamina. Grass and fighting types will work best to overcome its advances.
Shadow Lapras is no joke of an adversary and should not be treated as such. Being a water and ice type, it has high stamina and will outlast many other Pokémon. Using the likes of Machamp or Magnezone will be your best bet to defeat it.
For Shadow Exeggutor, its weak grass and psychic type can easily be defeated by a variety of basic counters.

When Swampert is brought out, keep in mind that its water and ground type makes it especially weak to grass type Pokémon, so an attack with one would do well. If you don't have a grass Pokémon at your disposal already, strongly consider adding one before battling Swampert as most others will have a hard time defending against its attacks.
Shiftry is a grass and dark type Pokémon. To take it down, use fighting and fairy types liberally, which will significantly weaken its defenses against anything.
Last but not least is Houndoom, the Pokémon famously associated with Sierra in the game's storyline. Known for the high level of damage it can deal, the best bet to get around its attacks is strong water, rock, ground, or fighting type Pokémon.
Follow these tips and you'll defeat Sierra in no time!