The ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ Series Finale Is Literally Going to Be out of This World — Details
"We were looking for an emergency that started with that theme."

Published Jan. 28 2025, 12:18 p.m. ET

One thing we can count on in a world that often feels chaotic is the fact that 9-1-1: Lone Star will always come through with some of the most unhinged storylines ever conceived by humans. When the show premiered in January 2020, it began as most procedurals often do. We meet our main characters, a new diverse team of firefighters based out of Austin, Texas. By Episode 2, we are encountering victims who are acting like zombies after an outbreak of mercury poisoning.
Somehow this show continued to top itself nearly every week. We can only assume this has something to do with the fact that it was co-created by Ryan Murphy, the man who brought us American Horror Story and an "attractive" Jeffrey Dahmer. The series entered its fifth season in January 2025, and it's looking as if this will be its last. Is 9-1-1: Lone Star ending? Here's what we know.

Is '9-1-1: Lone Star' ending? Sadly, it's time to say goodbye.
Unfortunately Season 5 of 9-1-1: Lone Star will be its last, with the series finale airing on Feb. 3, 2025. To no one's surprise, the show will go out with a bang as "members of the 126 brace themselves for the impact of an asteroid," per Variety. In order to send this incredible series off, the only thing that could possibly do that is an enormous rock headed just for Austin.
Showrunner Rashad Raisani spoke with the outlet about the finale and said the idea for the asteroid came from the fact that the cast and crew "found [themselves] in this sort of end-of-the-world feeling" when the show was canceled. The ending was rather abrupt for all involved, leaving everyone somewhat unmoored. This was born from that response. "We were looking for an emergency that started with that theme" he explained.
This begs the question, when the original 9-1-1 series finally ends, how could they possibly top an asteroid? Rashad and Tim Minear are executive producers on 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star which means they have these kinds of conversations often. Rashad says they frequently look at each other and ask, "What’s the best thing that we can do for this moment of each particular show?"
Who could die in the series finale of '9-1-1: Lone Star?'
Rob Lowe spoke with Entertainment Weekly about who could survive the asteroid, and honestly, it's not looking good. "This could be the event where maybe somebody in the team doesn't make it," he said cryptically. "Everyone is on the table," he said while laughing. If the asteroid doesn't kill someone, the possible nuclear meltdown absolutely will.
As far as his character goes, Rob says Owen Strand isn't safe either. "This is a show where it's totally organic on any given day that any one of these characters could have something really bad happen to them," he explained. "I mean, that's not pushed reality — it's the reality of what first responders go through. So we were debating, 'Do we want to push that button ... and for who?'"