Here's What's up With Those Terrifying Robot Zombies in 'Army of the Dead'
Published May 22 2021, 6:00 p.m. ET

Horror-action thrill ride Army of the Dead from Justice League director Zack Snyder has taken Netflix by storm, and fans of the flick have been watching carefully to observe fun Easter egg content. One of the most notable points of surprise has been the inclusion of robot zombies, which seem to defy logic and previous conceptions about how zombies work.
Here's everything we know about the robot zombies from Army of the Dead.
The robot zombies in 'Army of the Dead' could provide clues for future 'Army of the Dead' content.
When viewing Army of the Dead, many eagle-eyed fans noticed some zombies had bright blue eyes. A few times, these blink-and-you'll-miss-it zombies are in and out of scenes as quickly as they arrived — but a notable example of the robot zombies includes a scene in the casino where the zombie is shot in the face, revealing a Terminator-style robot beneath.

Many fans are finding it suspicious that a plot twist like "robots that are also zombies" isn't addressed in the film at all, but thankfully. director Zack Snyder did address the robot zombies ahead of the Netflix animated series Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas. The series will include familiar characters from Army of the Dead and explain how the Las Vegas of the film became so zombie infested.

Zack told, "I had the idea from the beginning that these zombies were going to embody an evolution, that they were on their way to becoming something else, not stagnant like the zombies we're used to. It was a way to make them fresh, while still delivering the zombie canon in some ways."

He added, "I really wanted this sort of weird ambiguity to their origins — which, of course, we'll explore in the animated series, Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas. And without giving away too much ... If you pay close attention, there's a number of zombies that are clearly not zombies. You see normal zombies and then you see some robot zombies. Are they monitors that the government has placed among the zombies to monitor them? Are they technology from the other world? What's happening there?"

Early in Army of the Dead, the terrifying original zombie, Zeus, had a connection to Area 51. There could very well be an extra-terrestrial connection to the robots, or perhaps a government influence element that hasn't been explored yet. Zack has hinted that the zombie outbreak could go international in an Army of the Dead sequel and that the zombie outbreak was potentially a biological weapon gone awry.

For now, fans will have to wait and see for themselves what secrets will be revealed in Netflix's Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas. The animated series does not yet have a release date. Fans can anticipate the cast of Army of the Dead returning, joined by new voices Vanessa Hudgens, Christian Slater, Anya Chalotra, Ross Butler, Jena Malone, Harry Lennix, and more.
Army of the Dead is now streaming on Netflix.